scientific interests

Sedimentation processes, especially in glacial, coastal and shelf environments

"The present is the key to the past" it is the basic rule in geology. To interpret the paleo-record in sediments and rocks we must understand how they form in modern environments. Those modern processes are often quite complex and study of them requires cooperation of scientists representing oceanography, meteorology, hydrology, sedimentology, geochemistry, biology etc.

In my studies I've been focusing in particular on three environments:
- glacial, which is shaped by glaciers terminating on land or sea,
- coastal, which is on one hand, one of the most intensively populated zone on the Earth, and on the second hand, one of the most dangerous due to catastrophic tsunamis, storms, hurricanes etc.
- continental shelf, which is an environment where most of ancient sedimentary rocks found on land were formed. It is also an environment of the future, as we – humans, are going to explore and use the seabed more and more.
