The first intensive outside review of Geomorphology from Space took place immediately after the Tucson Workshop on Global Mega-geomorphology. Authors of all chapters except that on Planetary Landforms met with other participants who agreed to remain an additional 2 days to evaluate the book in terms of scientific validity and clarity of text. The editors and the chapter authors express gratitude to the following reviewers: Ian Douglas, Physical Geography Department, University of Manchester, England; Clifford Embleton, Faculty of Science (Geography), Kings College, University of London; John Ford, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California; John S. McCauley, U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, Arizona; Wilton Melhorn, Department of Geological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana; and Dale Ritter, Department of Geology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois. A second rigorous review was conducted in March 1985 by the following: Tectonic Landforms Chapter-Kevin Burke, Lunar and Planetary Science Institute, Houston, Texas; Volcanic Landforms Chapter-Charles Wood, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, Peter Francis, Lunar and Planetary Science Institute, and Richard Fiske of the Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution; Fluvial Landforms Chapter- Edward Keller, Department of Geological Science, University of California at Santa Barbara; Coastal Landforms Chapter-Stephen Weatherman, Department of Geography, University of Maryland; Eolian Chapter-Carol Breed, U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, Arizona, and Ronald Greeley, Arizona State University; Glacial Chapter-John P. Schafer and Jane G. Ferrigno, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia. A review of the Delta Landforms Chapter was conducted internally at the Coastal Studies Institute, Louisiana State University. The Karst/Lake Landforms Chapter was reviewed by contributors to individual Plates. The Planetary Landforms Chapter was examined by colleagues of the chapter authors. Richard Craig, Department of Geology, Kent State University, and Larry Mayer, Department of Geology, Miami (Ohio) University, offered invaluable insight into aspects of quantitative geomorphology and image processing treated in Chapter 12 and Appendix A.

In mid-1985, the book was subjected to two more special reviews. The entire manuscript and illustrations were examined as a unit by M. Gordon Wolman, a noted geomorphologist who is Chairman of the Geography Department at Johns Hopkins University and, at the time, was President of the Geological Society of America. Some of his helpful suggestions for improving parts of the book have been incorporated in this final version. In September, two xerox copies of the complete book were placed on display at the First International Conference on Geomorphology at Manchester, England. More than 50 attendees inspected segments of the book, with particular attention given to regions of the world especially familiar to each individual. A number of new facts or erroneous statements were pointed out by these critics that have been accommodated in the final version.

Others deserve special acknowledgment for valuable assistance. The credit for producing more than 200 index maps goes mainly to Malcolm Tarlton, Science Applications Research, Inc. Much help in generating high-quality photographs, both of Plates and of ancillary scenes, was provided by Peter Baltzell, Still Photography Branch, GSFC, and by his associates. Barbara Conboy, then Secretary for the Geophysics Branch, GSFC, offered steady aid in the voluminous correspondence in search of ancillary pictures. Mary Kennedy served as assistant to the senior editor during thelibrary research phase of the manuscript preparation. Carole Edwards, Photographic Library, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, was instrumental in tracking down many ancillary pictures. Staff members at the Earth Satellite Corporation in Bethesda, Maryland, produced some outstanding images for a number of plates. Many more individuals and organizations provided ancillary photographs, as acknowledged systematically when appropriate in Appendix B. Particular thanks are expressed to Mark Settle of NASA Headquarters for his key support of the entire project. Finally, the senior editor is especially grateful to Anne Schmidt of Engineering and Economics Research, Inc. for her vital assistance in editing and in coordinating the production of the book in its present form.  


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