Bibliography -- Czechoslovakia

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     Czechoslovak Foreign Trade [Prague], 26, No. 11,
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     CSSR. (Berichte des Bundesinstituts für
     ostwissenschaftliche und internationale Studien, 21-1985.)
     Collogne: Bundesinstitut für ostwissenschaftliche und
     internationale Studien, 1985.

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     Pages 85-108 in  United States Congress, 99th, 2d Session,
     Joint Economic Committee (ed.), East European Economies:
     Slow Growth in the 1980s. Washington: GPO, 1986.

Marer, Paul. Dollar GNPs of the U.S.S.R. and Eastern
     Europe. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press for
     the World Bank, 1985.

Mellor, R.E.H. "Comecon." Pages 293-323 in Andrew H. Dawson
     (ed.), Planning in Eastern Europe. New York: St.
     Martin's Press, 1987.

Paul, David W. Czechoslovakia: Profile of a Socialist
     Republic at the Crossroads of Europe. Boulder: Westview
     Press, 1981.

Prospects in Trade with the Socialist Countries of Eastern
     Europe: Czechoslovakia--Policies, Developments, and
     Institutional Framework. n. pl.: United Nations, 1982.

Prybyla, Jan S. "The Dawn of Real Communism: Problems of
     Comecon," Orbis, 29, No. 2, Summer 1985, 387-402.

Quarterly Economic Review of Czechoslovakia: Annual
     Supplement, 1985 [London], 1985.

Rode, Reinhard, and Hanns-D. Jacobsen (eds.). Economic
     Warfare or Détente: An Assessment of East-West Relations in
     the 1980s. (International Perspectives on Security, No.
     1.) Boulder: Westview Press, 1985.

Salzmann, Zdenek. Three Contributions to the Study of
     Socialist Czechoslovakia. (Research Report No. 22.)
     Amherst: Department of Anthropology. University of
     Massachusetts, 1983.

Schöpflin, George (ed.). The Soviet Union and Eastern
     Europe. (Handbooks to the Modern World Series.) New
     York: Facts on File, 1986.

Socialist Czechoslovakia. Prague: Orbis Press Agency,

Statistick*a rocenka CSSR 1985. Prague: SNTL/Alfa, 1986.

St*atní banka Ceskoslovensk*a--Bulletin--1985, 35.
     Prague: 1985.

Stevens, John N. Czechoslovakia at the Crossroads.
     Boulder: East European Mongraphs, 1985.

Taschenlexikon CSSR. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches
     Institut, 1983.

United States. Central Intelligence Agency. National Foreign
     Assessment Center. Handbook of Economic Statistics
     1987. Washington: 1987.

United States. Department of Commerce. Foreign Economic
     Trends and Their Implications for the United States:
     Czechoslovakia. (International Marketing Information
     Series.) Washington: GPO, 1986.

Urban, Bohumil. "Foreign Trade--An Important Aspect of
     Czechoslovakia's Economic Strategy," Czechoslovak
     Foreign Trade [Prague], 26, No. 10, 1986, 6-7.

Wolf, Thomas A. Exchange Rates, Foreign Trade Accounting, and
     Purchasing-Power Parity for Centrally Planned
     Economies. (World Bank Staff Working Papers, No. 779.)
     Washington: World Bank, 1985.

Zeman, Pavel. Struktur des Bankwesens in der
     Tschechoslowakei, 13. (Struktus ausländischer Banken
     systeme.) Frankfurt am Main: Fritz Knapp Verlag, 1978.

     (Various issues of the following publications were also used
in the preparation of this chapter: Country Report:
Czechoslovakia [London], 1986; Czechoslovak Economic
Digest [Prague]; Foreign Broadcast Information Service,
Daily Report: Eastern Europe; Joint Publications
Research Service, Radio Free Europe Research; and
Quarterly Economic Review of Czechoslovakia [London],

Chapter 4
"Additional Reportage on National Elections," Foreign
     Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Eastern
     Europe,  2, No. 101 (FBIS-EEU-86-101) May 27, 1986, D1-

"Austria's Kirchschlaeger Meets with Hus*ak in Bratislava,"
     Situation Report: Czechoslovakia, 2 (Radio Free
     Europe Research.) Washington: February 6, 1986, 3-6.

Bradley, J.F.N. Politics in Czechoslovakia, 1945-1971. 
     Washington: University Press of America, 1981.

"Changes in the Party Statutes to Bolster the Party's Mobilizing
     Role," Situation Report: Czechoslovakia, 6 (Radio
     Free Europe Research.) Washington, April 16, 1986, 29-32.

Glos, George E. "The Legal System of Czechoslovakia." Pages 
     83-116 in Kenneth Robert Redden (ed.), Modern Legal
     Systems Cyclopedia. Buffalo: William S. Hein, 1985.

"Gust*av Hus*ak Delivers CPCZ Political Report," Foreign
     Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Eastern
     Europe, 2, No. 58 (FBIS-EEU-86-058) March 26, 1986, D1-

"Hus*ak's Speech," Situation Report: Czechoslovakia, 6
     (Radio Free Europe Research.) Washingtion, April 16, 1986,

Hutchings, Robert L. Soviet-East European Relations:
     Consolidation and Conflict, 1968-1980. Madison:
     University of Wisconsin Press, 1983.

Jones, Christopher D. Soviet Influence in Eastern Europe:
     Political Autonomy and the Warsaw Pact. New York:
     Praeger, 1981.

Kusin, Vladimir V. "Gorbachëv and Eastern Europe," Problems
     of Communism, 35, January-February 1986, 39-53.

"Meeting of CPCZ Central Committee Presidium," Summary of
     World Broadcasts [London], (EE-8515-B-19) March 13,
     1987, B19-B20.

"The New Central Committee," Situation Report:
     Czechoslovakia, 6 (Radio Free Europe Research.)
     Washington, April 16, 1986, 37-39.

"The New CPCZ Leadership Is in Fact the Old One," Situation
     Report: Czechoslovakia, 6 (Radio Free Europe Research.)
     Washington, April 16, 1986, 33-36.

"No Changes in Top Party Bodies," Situation Report:
     Czechoslovakia, 7 (Radio Free Europe Research.)
     Washington, April 30, 1981, 32-34.

"On the Eve of the Congress," Situation Report:
     Czechoslovakia, 7 (Radio Free Europe Research.)
     Washington, April 30, 1981, 2-5.

Paul, David W. Czechoslovakia: Profile of a Socialist
     Republic at the Crossroads of Europe. Boulder: Westview
     Press, 1981.

"Personnel Changes: Marking Time or a Small Step Forward,"
     Situation Report: Czechoslovakia, 4 (Radio Free
     Europe Research.) Washington, April 6, 1987, 7-9.

"The Quality of the Party Ranks," Situation Report:
     Czechoslovakia, 10 (Radio Free Europe Research.)
     Washington, June 1, 1983, 1-3.

Sejna, Jan, and Joseph D. Douglas, Jr. Decision-Making in
     Communist Countries: An Inside View. (Foreign Policy
     Report.) Washington: Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis,

"Selected Contributions to the Debate," Situation Report:
     Czechoslovakia, 6 (Radio Free Europe Research.)
     Washingtion, April 16, 1986, 21-24.

Skilling, H. Gordon. "Independent Currents in Czechoslovakia,"
     Problems of Communism, 34, January-February 1985,

Sobell, Vladimir. "China and Czechoslovakia in the 1980s: A Case
     of Limited Thaw," RAD Background Report, 15 (Radio
     Free Europe Research.) Washington, January 11, 1985, 1-8.

------. "Hus*ak Reluctantly Reaffirms the New Course,"
     Situation Report: Czechoslovakia, 4 (Radio Free
     Europe Research.) Washington, April 6, 1987, 3-6.

"Some Statistics," Situation Report: Czechoslovakia, 7
     (Radio Free Europe Research.) Washington, April 30, 1981,

Staar, Richard F. Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe.
     (3d ed.) Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1977.

Suda, Zdenek. "Czechoslovakia." Pages 275-85 in Richard F. Staar
     (ed.), Yearbook on International Communist Affairs,
     1985. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1985.
------. "Czechoslovakia." Pages 260-70 in Robert Wesson (ed.),
     Yearbook on International Communist Affairs, 1983.
     Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1983.

United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Directorate of
     Intelligence. Directory of Czechoslovak Officials: A
     Reference Aid. Washington: 1986.

United States. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs.
     Implementation of Helsinki Final Act, April 1, 1986-
     October 1, 1986. (Special Report No. 154.) Washington:

Winter, Sonia A. "The Sovietization of Czechoslovakia: 
     1968-1983," RAD Background Report, 196 (Radio Free
     Europe Research.) Washington, August 16, 1983, 1-8.

Chapter 5

"Alcohol Continues to Rule," Situation Report:
     Czechoslovakia, 40 (Radio Free Europe Research.)
     Washington, September 24, 1985, 34.

Amnesty International. Czechoslovakia: Amnesty International
     Briefing. (Briefing Paper No. 9.) London: 1977.

"Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten für weibliche Angehörige der
     tschechoslowakischen Volksarmee (CVA),"
     Truppendienst [Vienna], 26, No. 1, January 1987,

"Authorities Differentiate among Dissidents," Situation
     Report: Czechoslovakia, 7 (Radio Free Europe Research.)
     Washingtin, February 6, 1986, 11-15.

Blaustein, Albert P., and Gisbert H. Flanz (eds.).
     Constitutions of the Countries of the World. Dobbs
     Ferry: Oceana, 1985.

Cerovsky, Zbynek. "The Czechoslovak Air Force," Armed
     Forces [Weybridge, Surrey, United Kingdom], 6, No. 2,
     February 1987, 81-85.

-------. "The Finger on the Trigger," Armed Forces
     [Weybridge, Surrey, United Kingdom], 4, No. 11, November
     1985, 413-15.

"A Cornucopia of Problems," Situation Report:
     Czechoslovakia, 7 (Radio Free Europe Research.)
     Washington, February 6, 1984, 22-23.

Diehl, Jackson. "Prague Judge Sentences, Praises Arts Dissidents.
     Jazz Section Leader Gets 16-month Term," Washington
     Post, March 12, 1987, A29, A31.

"Drug Abuse," Situation Report: Czechoslovakia, 33
     (Radio Free Europe Research.) Washington, August 9, 1983,

"Drug Addiction Becomes a National Menace," Situation Report:
     Czechoslovakia, 7 (Radio Free Europe Research.)
     Washington, February 6, 1984, 14-19.

Evanson, Robert K. "Political Repression in Czechoslovakia, 
     1948-1984," Canadian Slavonic Papers [Ottawa], 28,
     March 1986, 1-21.

Johnson, A. Ross, Robert W. Dean, and Alexander Alexiev. East
     European Military Establishments: The Warsaw Pact Northern
     Tier. New York: Crane Russak, 1982.

Joint Publications Research Service--JPRS (Washington). The
     following items are from the JPRS series:

East Europe Report.

"We Are Serving the People," Pravda, Bratislava, April
     17, 1986. (JPRS-EER-86-091, June 20, 1986, 89-91).

"Recent Surge in Criminal Activity among Youth Discussed."
     Rude Pravo, Prague, July 29, 1986. (JPRS-EER-86-
     145, September 27, 1986, 90-99).

"Strict Penalties Are Not Enough," Rude Pr*avo, Prague,
     October 28, 1986. (JPRS-EER-86-194, December 23, 1986, 118).

Translations on Political, Sociological, and Military

"Chance for Boys and Girls--Postcard from Moravsk*a Trebov*a,"
     Obrana lidu, Prague, November 26, 1983. (JPRS-EER-
     84-009, January 19, 1984, 1-4).

"Military Schools," Smena, Bratislava, November 14,
     1981. (JPRS 79806, January 6, 1982, 15-21).

"A `More Peaceful' Life in the CSSR--Soviet Missiles Are the Main
     Subject of Discussion from Politburo to Beer Hall," Die
     Presse, Vienna, December 12, 1983. (JPRS-EPS-84-008,
     January 18, 1984, 37-42).

"On Revanchism and Militarism in the FRG," Rudé Pr*avo,
     Prague, May 29, 1985. (JPRS-EPS-85-074, July 9, 1985, 18-

"The People's Militias: A Reliable Support of the Party,"
     Zivot Strany,     Prague, February 14, 1983. (JPRS
     84304, September 1, 1983, 1-7).

"The Poisonous Growth of Revanchism," Pravda,
     Bratislava, May 25, 1985. (JPRS-EPS-85-073, July 5, 1985,

"The Prime Minister among the Revanchists," Rudé Pr*avo,
     Prague, November 12, 1984. (JPRS-EER-PSM 84-157, December
     28, 1984, 23-24).

Rocenka Odbor*are (Trade Unionist's Yearbook, 1982), 
     Prague, 1982. (JPRS 82895, February 17, 1983, 18-21).

Rudé Pr*avo, Prague, February 1, 1985. (JPRS-EPS-85-032,
     March 11, 1985, 29-31).

Rudé Pr*avo, Prague, June 7, 1985. (JPRS-EPS-85-076,
     July 17, 1985, 10-12).

"Service for Society," Pravda, Bratislava, December 27,
     1984. (JPRS-EPS-85-030, March 5, 1985, 1-2).

Smena, Bratislava, April 14, 1982. (JPRS 80985, June 4,
     1982, 17).

Tribuna, Prague, October 3, 1984. (JPRS-EPS-84-147,
     December 3, 1984, 1-3).

Jones, Ellen. "The Defense Council in Soviet Leadership
     Decisionmaking." (Paper presented at Seminar on Soviet
     National Security Decisionmaking. Co-Sponsored by The
     Network of Women in Slavic Studies and The Kennan Institute
     for Advanced Russian Studies), Washington, May 3, 1984.

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     Militärzeitschrift [Berne], 152, No. 12, December 1986,

Lewis, William J. The Warsaw Pact: Arms, Doctrine, and
     Strategy. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Institute for
     Foreign Policy Analysis, 1982.

"Manöver `Druschba 86' (`Freundschaft 86') des WAPA,"
     Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift
     [Berne], 152, No. 12, December 1986, 818.

Martin, Richard C. "Warsaw Pact Force Modernization: A Second
     Look." Pages 199-214 in Jeffrey Simon and Trond Gilberg
     (eds.), Security Implications of Nationalism in Eastern
     Europe. Boulder: Westview Press, 1986.

The Military Balance, 1986-1987. London: International
     Institute for Strategic Studies, 1986.

"Od sign*alu k akci." Ceskoslovensky voj*ak [Prague],
     34, No. 12, June 10, 1986, 22-25.

Owen, John Ivor Headon (ed.). Warsaw Pact Infantry and Its
     Weapons. Boulder: Westview Press, 1976.

Die Pressse, Vienna, June 9, 1987. (FBIS-EEU-87-118,
     June 19, 1987, C16).

"Prinzessinnen hinter den sieben Toren," Armee-Rundschau.
     Soldatenmagazin  [East Berlin], No. 10, October 1983,

"Rape, Child Abuse, Battered Babies, and Wife Beating,"
     Situation Report: Czechoslovakia, 35 (Radio Free
     Europe Research.) Washington, August 24, 1983, 17-19.

"Reservistenausbildung in der tschechoslowakischen Volksarmee
     (CVA)," Truppendienst [Vienna], 26, No. 1, January
     1987, 78.

Rice, Condoleezza. "The Problem of Military Elite Cohesion in
     Eastern Europe: The Case of Czechoslovakia," Air
     University Review, 33, No. 2, January-February 1982,

-------. The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army, 1948-
1983: Uncertain Allegience. Princeton: Princeton University
     Press, 1984.

-------. "Warsaw Pact Reliability: The Czechoslovak People's
     Army." Pages 125-42 in Daniel N. Nelson (ed.), Soviet
     Allies: the Warsaw Pact and The Issue of Reliability.
     Boulder: Westview Press, 1984.

Staar, Richard F. (ed.). Yearbook on International Communist
     Affairs, 1986. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press,

Statistick*a rocenka CSSR, 1987. Prague: SNTL-ALFA,

"Tschechoslowakei," Allgemeine Schweizerische
     Militärzeitschrift [Berne], 153, No. 4, April 1987,

"Tschechoslowakei," Allgemeine Schweizerische
     Militärzeitschrift [Berne], 153, No. 5, May 1987, 328.

Ulc, Otto. "Czechoslovakia in 1984," Current History,
     83, November 1984, 365-69.

United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Directorate of
     Intelligence. Directory of Czechoslovak Officials: A
     Reference Aid. Washington: 1986.

Valenta, Jirí and Condoleezza Rice. "The Czechoslovak Army."
     Pages 129-48 in Jonathan R. Adelman (ed.), Communist
     Armies in Politics. Boulder: Westview Press, 1982.

Vecerní Praha, Prague, October 30, 1986, (FBIS-EEU-86-
220, November 14, 1986, D8).

   (Various issues of the following publication were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Die Presse [Vienna],
January 1979-June 1987.)