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[Kingston, Jamaica], 1986-87; New World Quarterly
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Chapter 3
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Statistical Office. Annual Statistical Digest, 1984.
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------. Financial Statistics, 1983. Port-of-Spain,
Trinidad and Tobago: 1984.
------. Labour Force. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago:
------. National Income of Trinidad and Tobago, 1966-1985.
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------. Overseas Trade Report, 1985. Port-of-Spain,
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------. Population and Vital Statistics, Report 1982-83.
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------. Report on Education Statistics, 1982-83. Port-of-
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------. Review of the Economy, 1985. Port-of-Spain,
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------. 1986 Country Tables. Rome: 1986.
------. Yearbook of Fishery Statistics, 1984. Rome: 1986.
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------. World Development Report, 1987. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1987.
Young, Alma H., and Dion E. Phillips (eds.). Militarization in
the Non-Hispanic Caribbean. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1986.
(Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Caribbean Insight
[London], 1986-87; Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily
Report: Latin America, 1983-87; Joint Publications Research
Service, Latin America Report, 1986-87; Latin American
Monitor [London], 1984-85; Latin American Weekly
Report [London], 1986-87; Latin America Regional Reports:
Caribbean [London], 1981-87; Social and Economic
Studies [Mona, Jamaica], 1982-83; Trinidad and Tobago
Express [Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago], 1981-87; and
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Chapter 4
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Frost, Jens (ed.). World Radio TV Handbook, 1986. Hvidore,
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Girvan, Norman. Working Paper, No. 7: Aspects of the Political
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Gomes, P.I. (ed.). Rural Development in the Caribbean. New
York: St. Martin's Press, 1985.
Honychurch, Lennox. The Dominica Story: A History of the
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Larson, Edwin E., and Peter W. Birkeland. Putnam's
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Lewis, Vaughan A. (ed.). Size, Self-Determination, and
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Macmillan Education. Macmillan Caribbean Certificate
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Putnam, William Clement. Putnam's Geology. New York:
Oxford University Press, 1978.
Rickards, Colin (ed.). Caribbean Year Book, 1979-80.
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Wood, Peter. Caribbean Isles (A Ready Reference Guide to the
Caribbean). New York: Time-Life Books, 1975.
World Bank. Dominica: Priorities and Prospects for
Development. Washington: 1985.
(Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this section: Foreign Broadcast Information
Service, Daily Report: Latin America, 1983-87; Joint
Publications Research Service, Latin America Report,
1983-87; and Latin American Weekly Report [London],
St. Lucia
Alleyne, Mervin C. "Language and Society in St. Lucia." Pages
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Bair, Frank E. (ed.). Countries of the World and Their Leaders
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Brooks, John (ed.). The 1987 South American Handbook. (63d
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Caribbean/Central American Action. 1986 Caribbean and Central
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Caribbean Development Bank. Annual Report, 1985. Wildey,
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Compton, John G.M. Budget Address, 1985. Castries, St.
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The Diagram Group. Atlas of Central America and the
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United States. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook,
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United States. Department of Commerce. International Trade
Administration. Foreign Economic Trends and Their
Implications for the United States: St. Lucia.
Washington: GPO, 1986.
United States. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs.
Background Notes: St. Lucia. Washington: 1984.
West, Robert C., and John P. Augelli (eds.). Middle America:
Its Lands and Peoples. (2d ed.) Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1976.
World Bank. St. Lucia: Economic Performance and Prospects.
Washington: 1985.
------. The World Bank Atlas, 1986. Washington: 1986.
(Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this section: Foreign Broadcast Information
Service, Daily Report: Latin America, 1987; Joint
Publications Research Service, Latin America Report,
1987; and Latin American Weekly Report [London], 1987.)
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Andrade, John. World Police and Paramilitary Forces. New
York: Stockton Press, 1985.
Banks, Arthur S. (ed.). Political Handbook of the World,
1984-1985. Binghamton, New York: CSA, 1985.
Birnbaum, Stephen (ed.). Birnbaum's Caribbean, Bermuda, and the
Bahamas, 1986. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1985.
Blaustein, Albert P., and Gisbert H. Flanz (eds.).
Constitutions of the Countries of the World. Dobbs
Ferry, New York: Oceana, 1984.
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Review, 14, No. 4, Fall 1985, 27-29.
Brana-Shute, Gary, and Rosemary Brana-Shute. "The Unemployed of the
Eastern Caribbean: Attitudes and Aspirations." (Research
paper.) Gainesville, Florida: December 1980.
Brooks, John (ed.). The 1986 South American Handbook.
Bath, United Kingdom: Trade and Travel, 1985.
Butland, Gilbert J. Latin America. New York: John Wiley
and Sons, 1972.
Caribbean/Central American Action. 1987 Caribbean and Central
America Databook. Washington: 1986.
Caribbean Development Bank. Annual Report, 1986. Wildey,
Barbados: Letchworth Press, 1987.
Carr, Peter R. "Health Systems Development in the English-Speaking
Caribbean: Toward the Twenty-First Century," Bulletin of
the Pan American Health Organization, 19, No. 4, 1985,
Chernick, Sidney E. The Commonwealth Caribbean: The Integration
Experience. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
The Diagram Group. Atlas of Central America and the
Caribbean. New York: Macmillan, 1985.
Diederich, Berenard. "The End of West Indian Innocence: Arming the
Police," Caribbean Review, 13, No. 2, Spring 1984,
Dorst, Jean. South America and Central America: A Natural
History. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1967.
Economist Intelligence Unit. Quarterly Economic Review of
Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Barbados, Windward and Leeward
Islands: Annual Supplement, 1985. London: Economist,
Ellis, Patricia. "Non-Formal Education, Women, and Development in
the English-Speaking Caribbean," Bulletin of Eastern
Caribbean Affairs [Cave Hill, Barbados], 11, No. 2, May-
June 1985, 23-33.
Emmanuel, Patrick. "Elections and Parties in the Eastern
Caribbean," Caribbean Review, 10, Spring 1981, 14-16.
Eyre, Alan. A New Geography of the Caribbean. (5th ed.)
London: George Philip and Son, 1979.
Green, Richard (ed.). Latin America and Caribbean Review,
1986. Saffron Walden, Essex, United Kingdom: World of
Information, 1985.
Grieb, Kenneth J. Research Guide to Central America and the
Caribbean. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985.
Halbury's Laws of England. (4th ed., vol. 6.) London:
Butterworths, 1974.
International Development Association. Report and
Recommendation of the President of the International
Development Association to the Executive Directors on a
Proposed Credit of SDR 4.8 Million to the Eastern Caribbean
States Fourth Caribbean Development Bank Regional Vocational
and Technical Education Project. (Report No. P-4420-CRG.)
Washington: April 2, 1987.
Jane's Fighting Ships, 1984-85. (Ed., John Moore.) London:
Jane's, 1985.
Laine, Kingsley. "An Overview of the Vincentian Economy,"
Bulletin of Eastern Caribbean Affairs [Cave Hill,
Barbados], November-December 1979, 13.
Levy, Anthony Lancelot (ed.). Personalities Caribbean.
Kingston, Jamaica: Personalities, 1983.
Lewis, Gary P. "Prospects for a Regional Security System in the
Eastern Caribbean," Millennium: A Journal of International
Studies [London], 15, No. 1, 1986, 73-90.
Millett, Richard, and W. Marvin Will (eds.) The Restless
Caribbean: Changing Patterns of International Relations.
New York: Praeger, 1979.
Niddrie, David L. "The Caribbean." Pages 77-132 in Harold Blakemore
and Clifford T. Smith (eds.), Latin America: Geographical
Perspectives. New York: Methuen, 1983.
Pan American Health Organization. Health Conditions in the
Americas, 1981-1984. Washington: 1985.
------. "Status of AIDS in the Americas," Epidemiological
Bulletin, 7, Nos. 5-6, December 1986, 1.
Paxton, John (ed.). The Statesman's Year-Book: Statistical and
Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year
1986-1987. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986.
Population Reference Bureau. 1987 World Population.
Washington: April 1986.
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines." Pages 2337-42 in The Europa
Yearbook 1987, II. London: Europa, 1987.
Jim, Richard, and James Anderson. The Caribbean Strategic
Vacuum. (Conflict Studies, 121.) London: Institute for
the Study of Conflict, August 1980.
United Nations. Fund for Population Activities. The
English-Speaking Caribbean. New York: 1978.
United States. Agency for International Development. Office of
Foreign Disaster Assistance. Countries of the Caribbean
Community: A Regional Profile. Washington: February 1983.
United States. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook,
1987. Washington: GPO, 1987.
United States. Congress. 97th, 2d Session. House of
Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Eastern
Caribbean: Report of a Staff Study Mission to the Dominican
Republic, Antigua, Dominica, Barbados, and St. Vincent,
January 5-19, 1982. Washington: GPO, May 1982.
United States. Department of State. Country Reports on Human
Rights Practices for 1986: St. Vincent and the
Grenadines. (Report submitted to United States Congress,
100th, 1st Session, Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations,
and House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign Affairs.)
Washington: GPO, February 1987.
United States. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs.
Atlas of the Caribbean Basin. (2d ed.) Washington:
GPO, 1984.
"Weekly Arms Transfer Tables," Defense and Foreign
Affairs, August 25-31, 1986, 8.
West, Robert C., and John P. Augelli (eds.). Middle America:
Its Lands and Peoples. (2d ed.) Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1976.
World Bank. St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Economic Situation
and Selected Development Issues. Washington: 1985.
A Year Book of the Commonwealth, 1982. London: Her
Majesty's Stationery Office, 1982.
Young, Alma H., and Dion E. Phillips (eds.). Militarization in
the Non-Hispanic Caribbean. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1986.
(Various issues of the following publications also were used in
the preparation of this section: Caribbean and West Indies
Chronicle [London], 1984; Caribbean Insight [London],
1986-87; Caribbean Monthly Bulletin [San Piedras, Puerto
Rico], 1983-84; Caribbean Review, 1981-85; Foreign
Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Latin
America, 1986-87; Keesing's Contemporary Archives
(changed to Keesing's Record of World Events in January
1987) [London], 1969, 1980-87; Latin American Monitor:
Caribbean [London], 1984-87; Latin America Regional
Reports: Caribbean [London], 1983; New York Times,
1980, 1984; Trinidad Guardian [Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and
Tobago], 1986-87; and Vincentian [Kingstown, St. Vincent
and the Grenadines], 1987.)
Archer, Ewart. "Gairyism, Revolution and Reorganisation: Three
Decades of Turbulence in Grenada," Journal of Commonwealth
and Comparative Politics [London], 23, No. 2, July 1985,
Beshoff, Pamela. "Foreign Policy Co-operation and Regional
Integration in the Caribbean," Millennium: A Journal of
International Studies [London], 15, No. 1, Spring 1986,
Birnbaum, Stephen (ed.). Birnbaum's Caribbean, Bermuda, and the
Bahamas, 1986. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1985.
Blaize, Herbert A. Grenada Budget Speech. St. George's,
Grenada: Government Printer, February 20, 1987.
Boodhoo, Ken I. "Violence and Militarization in the Eastern
Caribbean: Grenada." Pages 65-89 in Alma H. Young and Dion E.
Phillips (eds.), Militarization in the Non-Hispanic
Caribbean. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1986.
Britain. Directorate of Overseas Surveys. Grenada: Island of
Spice. (4th ed.) London: Government of the United
Kingdom, 1985.
Brooks, John (ed.). The 1987 South American Handbook. (63d
ed.) Bath, United Kingdom: Trade and Travel, 1986.
Caribbean Development Bank. Annual Report, 1985. Wildey,
Barbados: Letchworth Press, 1985.
Carr, Peter R. "Health Systems Development in the English-Speaking
Caribbean: Toward the Twenty-First Century," Bulletin of
the Pan American Health Organization, 19, No. 4, 1985,
Cobb, Charles E., Jr., and David A. Harvey. "Marking Time in
Grenada," National Geographic, 166, No. 5, November
1984, 688-710.
"The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association," Round Table: The
Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs [London],
No. 300, October 1986, 310-12.
Davas, Raymund P. A History of the Island of Grenada,
1498-1796. St. George's, Grenada: Carenage Press, 1974.
Davidson, Scott. Grenada: A Study in Politics and the Limits of
International Law. Aldershot, United Kingdom: Avebury,
The Diagram Group. Atlas of Central America and the
Caribbean. New York: Macmillan, 1985.
Diederich, Bernard. "The End of West Indian Innocence: Arming the
Police," Caribbean Review, 13, No. 2, Spring 1984,
Dominique, Francois (ed.). Grenada: Intervention, Invasion,
Rescue Mission? n. pl.: F. Dominique, 1984.
Duncan, W. Raymond. "Grenada." Pages 90-94 in Richard F. Staar
(ed.), Yearbook on International Communist Affairs,
1983. Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press,
Economist Intelligence Unit. Quarterly Economic Review of
Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Barbados, Windward and Leeward
Islands: Annual Supplement, 1985. London: Economist,
Emmanuel, Patrick A.M. "Revolutionary Theory and Political Reality
in the Eastern Caribbean," Journal of Inter-American
Studies and World Affairs, 25, No. 2, May 1983, 193-227.
Eyre, Alan. A New Geography of the Caribbean. (5th ed.)
London: George Philip and Son, 1979.
Fenton, Robert E. "Caribbean Coast Guard: A Regional Approach,"
Naval War College Review, 37, March-April 1984, 26-
Frost, Jens (ed.). World Radio TV Handbook, 1986. Hvidore,
Denmark: Glenn Heffernon, 1986.
Gonzalez, Edward. "The Cuban and Soviet Challenge in the Caribbean
Basin," Orbis, 29, Spring 1985, 73-94.
Gottemoeller, Rose E. Transforming Clients into Surrogates: The
Soviet Experience. Santa Monica: Rand, 1985.
Green, Richard (ed.). Latin America and Caribbean Review,
1986. Saffron Walden, Essex, United Kingdom: World of
Information, 1985.
Grenada. The Grenada Constitution Order, 1973. St.
George's, Grenada: Government Printer, 1974.
Grenada. Ministry of Education. Report for 1980. St.
George's, Grenada: 1980.
Harewood, Jack. "Population Growth in Grenada in the Twentieth
Century," Social and Economic Studies [Kingston,
Jamaica], 15, No. 2, June 1966, 61-84.
"Independence for Grenada--Myth or Reality?" (Paper presented at
Conference on the Implications of Independence for Grenada,
St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago.) St. Augustine, Trinidad
and Tobago: Institute of International Relations, Univeristy
of the West Indies, 1974.
Institute of Caribbean Studies. Caribbean Monthly Bulletin.
Documents on the Invasion of Grenada. Rio Piedras,
Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico, 1984.
Kay, Francis. This Is Grenada. Privately published, 1966.
Ledeen, Michael A. "Marxist Follies," Harper's, 268, No.
1605, February 1984, 24-27.
Ledeen, Michael A., and Herbert Romerstein. Grenada Documents:
An Overview and Selection. Washington: GPO, 1984.
Lewis, Gary P. "Prospects for a Regional Security System in the
Eastern Caribbean," Millennium: A Journal of International
Studies [London], 15, No. 1, Spring 1986, 73-90.
Lewis, John F., and Bernard M. Gunn. "Aspects of Island Arc
Evolution and Magmatism in the Caribbean: Geochemistry of Some
West Indian Plutonic and Volcanic Rocks." Pages 171-77 in
Cecily Petzall (ed.), Transactions: Caribbean Geological
Conference. Caracas: 1972.
Lewis, Vaughan. "Foreign Relations of the English-Speaking
Caribbean." Pages 67-73 in Library of Congress, Congressional
Research Service (ed.), The English-Speaking Caribbean:
Current Conditions and Implications for U.S. Policy.
Washington: GPO, 1985.
MacDonald, Scott B. "The Future of Foreign Aid in the Caribbean
after Grenada: Finlandization and Confrontation in the Eastern
Tier," Inter-American Economic Affairs, 38, Spring
1985, 59-74.
McKenzie, Alan B. Creole-Leninism: Grenada, A Case Study.
Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, December
Macmillan Education. Macmillan Caribbean Certificate
Atlas. London: 1979.
Maingot, Anthony P. "Politics Caribbean Style," Caribbean
Review, 14, No. 2, Spring 1985, 5-6.
Mallin, Jay, Sr. "U.S., Britain Building Grenadian Security Force,"
Washington Times, December 7, 1984, 5.
Menon, P.K. "The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States--An
Important Milestone in Sub-Regional Integration," Inter-
American Law Review, 17, Winter 1986, 297-311.
Millette, Robert, and Mahin Gosine. The Grenada Revolution: Why
It Failed. New York: Africana Research, 1985.
Mitchell, Harold. Caribbean Patterns. Edinburgh: Chambers,
Naipaul, V.S. "An Island Betrayed," Harper's, 268, No.
1606, March 1984, 61-72.
Norton, Graham. "Defending the Eastern Caribbean," World
Today [London], 40, June 1984, 254-60.
O'Loughlin, Carleen. Economic and Political Change in the
Leeward and Windward Islands. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1968.
Palmer, Ransford W. Caribbean Dependence on the United States
Economy. New York: Praeger, 1979.
Pan American Health Organization. Health Conditions in the
Americas, 1981-1984. Washington: 1985.
------. Program Budget, 1986-87. Washington: 1985.
Pastor, Robert A. "Does the United States Push Revolutions to Cuba?
The Case of Grenada," Journal of Inter-American Studies
and World Affairs, 28, No. 1, Spring 1986, 1-34.
Pryor, Frederic L. Revolutionary Grenada: A Study in Political
Economy. New York: Praeger, 1986.
Ryan, Selwyn. "The Grenada Questions: A Revolutionary Balance
Sheet," Caribbean Review, 13, No. 3, Summer 1984, 6-
Schoenhals, Kai P., and Richard A. Melanson (eds.). Revolution
and Intervention in Grenada: The New Jewel Movement, the
United States, and the Caribbean. (Westview Special
Studies on Latin America and the Caribbean.) Boulder: Westview
Press, 1985.
Schwartz, Stephen. "Caliban's Children: Reflections on Grenada,"
Journal of Contemporary Studies, 7, Fall 1984, 49-57.
Segal, Aaron. "Background to Grenada: When the Social Scientists
Invaded," Caribbean Review, 12, No. 4, Fall 1983, 40-
------. "Caribbean Realities," Current History, 84, No.
500, March 1985, 127-29.
Singham, A.W. The Hero and the Crowd in a Colonial
Polity. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968.
Smith, Michael G. The Plural Society in the British West
Indies. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of
California Press, 1965.
Speed, Robert C., et al. (eds.). Lesser Antilles Arc and
Adjacent Terrains. (Regional Atlas series.) Woods Hole,
Massachusetts: Marine Science International, 1984.
St. Clair-Daniel, W. "Caribbean Concepts of Parliament,"
Parliamentarian [London], 66, October 1985, 211-13.
Thorndike, Tony. Grenada: Politics, Economics, and
Society. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1985.
United States. Agency for International Development. Summary
Highlights of the A.I.D. Program in Grenada. Washington:
United States. Agency for International Development. Office of
Foreign Disaster Assistance. Countries of the Caribbean
Community: A Regional Profile. Washington: February 1983.
United States. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook,
1986. Washington: GPO, 1986.
United States. Congress. 98th, 1st Session. House of
Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on
International Security and Scientific Affairs and on Western
Hemisphere Affairs. U.S. Military Actions in Grenada:
Implications for U.S. Policy in the Eastern Caribbean.
Washington: GPO, 1984.
United States. Congress. 98th, 2d Session. House of
Representatives. Committee on Armed Services. Report of
the Delegation to Eastern Caribbean and South American
Countries. (Committee Print, No. 16.) Washington: GPO,
February 1984.
United States. Congress. 99th, 1st Session. House of
Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on
Western Hemisphere Affairs. U.S. Policy on Latin America,
1985. Washington: GPO, January 29, 1985.
United States. Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census.
World Population Profile, 1985. Washington: GPO,
October 1986.
United States. Department of Commerce. International Trade
Administration. Foreign Economic Trends and Their
Implications for the United States: Grenada. Washington:
GPO, 1986.
United States. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs.
Atlas of the Caribbean Basin. (2d ed.) Washington:
GPO, 1984.
------. Background Notes: Grenada. Washington: July 1985.
United States. Department of State. Foreign Affairs Information
Management Center. Grenada Post Report. Washington:
GPO, 1985.
Valenta, Jiri, and Virginia Valenta. "Leninism in Grenada,"
Problems of Communism, 33, July-August 1984, 1-23.
Walker, Andrew. "Security of the Eastern Caribbean," Jane's
Defence Weekly [London], 7, No. 2, January 17, 1987, 61.
West, Robert C., and John P. Augelli (eds.). Middle America:
Its Lands and Peoples. (2d ed.) Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1976.
World Bank. Eastern Caribbean States: Fourth Caribbean
Development Bank Regional, Vocational and Technical Education
Project. (P-4430-CR6.) Washington: April 2, 1987.
------. Grenada Economic Report. Washington: World Bank,
(Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this section: Caribbean and West Indies
Chronicle [London], 1986-87; Caribbean Contact
[Bridgetown, Barbados], 1986; Caribbean Insight [London],
1985-86; Caribbean Monthly Bulletin [Rio Piedras, Puerto
Rico], 1984; Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily
Report: Latin America, 1983-87; Grenada Informer [St.
George's, Grenada], 1986; Grenada Newsletter [St.
George's, Grenada], 1984-86; Grenadian Voice [St.
George's, Grenada], 1986; Joint Publications Research Service,
Latin American Report, 1986-87; Keesing's Contemporary
Archives [London], 1986; Latin American Weekly Report
[London], 1986; and Latin America Regional Reports:
Caribbean [London], 1986-87.)
Anderson, Thomas D. Geopolitics of the Caribbean: Ministates in
a Wider World. (Politics in Latin America: A Hoover
Institution series.) New York: Praeger, 1984.
Andrade, John. World Police and Paramilitary Forces. New
York: Stockton Press, 1985.
Barbados. Barbados Government Information Service. Facts on
Barbados. St. Michael, Barbados: Barbados Government
Printing Department, 1985.
Barbados. Barbados Industrial Development Corporation. The
Manufacturers' Handbook. Bridgetown, Barbados: 1983.
Barbados. Barbados Statistical Bulletin Service. Overseas
Trade, 4, No. 8, 1986.
Barbados. Ministry of Finance and Planning. Barbados
Development Plan, 1983-1988. Bridgetown, Barbados: 1983.
------. Barbados Economic Report, 1985. Bridgetown,
Barbados: 1986.
------. Barbados Economic Report, 1986. Bridgetown,
Barbados: 1987.
Beshoff, Pamela. "Foreign Policy Co-operation and Regional
Integration in the Caribbean," Millennium: A Journal of
International Studies [London], 15, No. 1, Spring 1986,
Birnbaum, Stephen (ed.). Birnbaum's Caribbean, Bermuda, and the
Bahamas, 1986. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1985.
Blackman, C.N., and W.A. Cox. "Factors in the Development of a
Migration Policy for the Caribbean." Pages 12-27 in Central
Bank of Barbados (ed.), Economic Review. Bridgetown,
Barbados: 1986.
Brizan, George I. Grenada, Island of Conflict: From Amerindians
to People's Revolution, 1498-1979. (Third World Studies.)
London: Zed Books, 1984.
Brooks, John (ed.). The 1987 South American Handbook. (63d
ed.) Bath, United Kingdom: Trade and Travel, 1986.
Bryan, Anthony T. "Cuba's Impact in the Caribbean,"
International Journal [Toronto], 40, No. 2, Spring
1985, 331-47.
Campbell, P.F. An Outline of Barbados History. Bridgetown,
Barbados: Caribbean Graphics, 1974.
Caribbean Development Bank. Annual Report, 1985. Wildey,
Barbados: Letchworth Press, 1986.
Conway, Dennis. Caribbean Migrants: Opportunistic and
Individualistic Sojourners. (Universities Field Staff
International. UFSI Reports. No. 24.) Indianapolis: 1986.
Dann, Graham. The Quality of Life in Barbados. London:
Macmillan, 1984.
The Diagram Group. Atlas of Central America and the
Caribbean. New York: Macmillan, 1985.
Economist Intelligence Unit. Quarterly Economic Review of
Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Barbados, Windward and Leeward
Islands: Annual Supplement, 1985. London: Economist,
Faria, Norman. "A Message for Washington," South [London],
October 1986, 59.
Fraser, Peter D., and Paul Hackett (eds.). Caribbean Economic
Handbook. London: Euromonitor, 1985.
Frost, Jens (ed.). World Radio TV Handbook, 1986. Hvidore,
Denmark: Glenn Heffernon, 1986.
Gomes, P.I. Barbados: The Post Independence Period,
1966-1971. St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago: University
of the West Indies, 1978.
Gooding, E.G.B. Wayside Trees and Shrubs of Barbados.
London: Macmillan Education, 1973.
Hope, Kempe Ronald. Economic Development in the Caribbean.
New York: Praeger, 1986.
Hoyos, F.A. Barbados: A History from the Amerindians to
Independence. London: Macmillan Education, 1976.
------. Barbados: Our Island Home. London: Macmillan
Education, 1979.
------. Builders of Barbados. London: Macmillan Caribbean,
------. Grantley Adams and the Social Revolution. London:
Macmillan Education, 1974.
Inter-American Development Bank. Economic and Social Progress
in Latin America: 1986 Report. Washington: 1987.
International Monetary Fund. International Financial
Statistics. Washington: 1987.
Lewis, Gary P. "Prospects for a Regional Security System in the
Eastern Caribbean," Millennium: A Journal of International
Studies [London], 15, No. 1, Spring 1986, 73-90.
Lewis, Gordon K. The Growth of the Modern West Indies. New
York: Monthly Review Press, 1968.
Lewis, Vaughan A. "The Commonwealth Caribbean." Pages 110-30 in
Christopher Clapham (ed.), Foreign Policy Making in
Developing States. Westmead, Farnborough, Hampshire,
United Kingdom: Saxon House, 1977.
Long, Frank. "Industrialization and the Role of Industrial
Development Corporations in a Caribbean Economy: A Study of
Barbados, 1960-80," Inter-American Economic Affairs,
37, No. 3, Winter 1983, 33-56.
Lynch, Louis. The Barbados Book. New York: Coward, McCann,
and Geoghegan, 1973.
Lynn, Bruce G. Barbados: A Smiling Island. Hollywood,
Florida: Dukane Press, 1970.
MacDonald, Scott B. "The Future of Foreign Aid in the Caribbean
after Grenada: Finlandization and Confrontation in the Eastern
Tier," Inter-American Economic Affairs, 38, Spring
1985, 59-74.
Mack, Raymond W. "Race, Class, and Power in Barbados." Pages 140-64
in Wendell Bell (ed.), The Democratic Revolution in the
West Indies. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Schenkman, 1967.
Maingot, Anthony P. "American Foreign Policy in the Caribbean:
Continuities, Changes, and Contingencies," International
Journal [Toronto], 40, No. 2, Spring 1985, 312-30.
Mitchell, Harold. Caribbean Patterns. Edinburgh: Chambers,
Mottley, Elton Elombe, and Roderick Broome. People, Parties,
and Politics. Bridgetown, Barbados: Ashanti Books, 1976.
Norton, Graham. "Defending the Eastern Caribbean," World
Today [London], 40, June 1984, 254-60.
O'Loughlin, Carleen. Economic and Political Change in the
Leeward and Windward Islands. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1968.
Palmer, Ransford W. Caribbean Dependence on the United States
Economy. New York: Praeger, 1979.
Pan American Health Organization. Health Conditions in the
Americas, 1981-1984. Washington: 1985.
------. Program Budget, 1986-87. Washington: 1985.
------. "Status of AIDS in the Americas," Epidemiological
Bulletin, 7, Nos. 5-6, December 1986, 1.
Paxton, John (ed.). The Statesman's Year-Book: Statistical and
Historical Annual of the State of the World for the Year 1986-
1987. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986.
Payne, Anthony. "Whither Caricom? The Performance and Prospects of
Caribbean Integration in the 1980s," International
Journal [Toronto], 40, No. 2, Spring 1985, 207-28.
Polanyi-Levitt, Karl. "The Origins and Implications of the
Caribbean Basin Initiative: Mortgaging Sovereignty?"
International Journal [Toronto], 40, No. 2, Spring
1985, 229-81.
Sheppard, Jill. The "Redlegs" of Barbados: Their Origins and
History. (The Caribbean--Historical and Cultural
Perspectives series.) Millwood, New York: KTO Press, 1977.
Simmons, David A. "Militarization of the Caribbean: Concerns for
National and Regional Security," International
Journal [Toronto], 40, No. 2, Spring 1985, 348-76.
Simmons, Peter. "`Red Legs': Class and Color Contradictions in
Barbados," Studies in Comparative International
Development, 11, No. 1, Spring 1976, 3-24.
Tree, Ronald. A History of Barbados. London: Granada,
United States. Agency for International Development. Bureau of
Science and Technology. Draft Environmental Profile on
Barbados. Washington: May 1982.
United States. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook,
1986. Washington: GPO, 1986.
United States. Department of Commerce. International Trade
Administration. Foreign Economic Trends and Their
Implications for the United States: Barbados. Washington:
GPO, 1986.
United States. Department of State. Foreign Affairs Information
Management Center. Barbados Post Report. Washington:
Watson, Hillbourne. "A Note on the 1986 General Election in
Barbados," Caribbean Studies Newsletter, 13, No. 2,
Summer 1986, 5-6.
Watts, David. Man's Influence on the Vegetation of Barbados,
1627 to 1800. London: Hull, 1966.
West, Robert C., and John P. Augelli (eds.). Middle America:
Its Lands and Peoples. (2d ed.) Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1976.
Worrell, DeLisle (ed.). The Economy of Barbados,
1946-1980. Bridgetown, Barbados: Central Bank of
Barbados, 1982.
(Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this section: Bajan [Bridgetown,
Barbados], 1985-86; Barbados Advocate [Bridgetown,
Barbados], 1985-87; Bulletin [Bridgetown, Barbados],
1976-79; Caribbean Insight [London], 1986; Daily
Gleaner [Kingston, Jamaica], 1986; Foreign Broadcast
Information Service, Daily Report: Latin America, 1983-87;
Joint Publications Research Service, Latin America Report,
1983-87; Keesing's Contemporary Archives [London], 1971-
86; Latin American Monitor: Caribbean [London], 1987;
Nation [Bridgetown, Barbados], 1987; and Voice
[Bridgetown, Barbados], 1987.)
Chapter 5
Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda. Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism.
Investing in Antigua and Barbuda. St. John's, Antigua
and Barbuda: 1986.
Antigua and Barbuda. Ministry of Education and Culture. Report
on the Education Division, 1979-1981. St. John's, Antigua
and Barbuda: n.d.
Antigua: Report for the Years 1963 and 1964. London: Her
Majesty's Stationery Office, 1966,
Birnbaum, Stephen (ed.). Birnbaum's Caribbean, Bermuda, and the
Bahamas, 1986. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1985.
Caribbean Development Bank. Regional Forestry Sector Study:
Country Report--Antigua and Barbuda. Wildey, Barbados:
Challenger, Brian. "The Antiguan Economy: 1967-1981," Bulletin
of Eastern Caribbean Affairs [Cave Hill, Barbados], 7,
No. 5, November-December 1981, 12-18.
Davis, Gregson. Antigua Black: Portrait of an Island
People. San Francisco: Scrimshaw Press, 1973.
Green, Richard (ed.). Latin America and Caribbean Review,
1985. Saffron Walden, Essex, United Kingdom: World of
Information, 1984.
Henry, Paget. Peripheral Capitalism and Underdevelopment in
Antigua. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Books,
------. "State-Class Relations in Antigua," Bulletin of Eastern
Caribbean Affairs [Cave Hill, Barbados], 7, No. 5,
November-December 1981, 7-11.
Power, Kevin P. Caribbean Basin Trade and Investment
Guide. Washington: Washington International Press, 1984.
Prime, Timothy S. Economic Impact of Tourism in Antigua.
Christ Church, Antigua and Barbuda: Caribbean Tourism Research
and Development Centre, 1981.
Putney, Allen D. Survey of Conservation Priorities in the
Lesser Antilles: Final Report. St. Croix, United States
Virgin Islands: Eastern Caribbean Natural Area Management
Program, 1982.
Richards, Novelle H. The Struggle and the Conquest, Pt. II: The
Locust Years. St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda: West
Indies Workers Voice Printery, 1981.
Richards, Vincent A. "The Role of Agriculture in the Economic
Development of Antigua and Barbuda," Bulletin of Eastern
Caribbean Affairs [Cave Hill, Barbados], 7, No. 5,
November-December 1981, 19-23.
Russell, Richard, and William G. McIntire. Barbuda
Reconnaissance. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University
Press, 1966.
Sanders, Ron (ed.). Antigua and Barbuda Independence. St.
John's, Antigua and Barbuda: Department of Information,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Economic Development, Tourism,
and Energy, 1982.
Schweser, Helen, and Agnes A. Blaize. The Development of a
Health Education Department in a Less Developed Caribbean
Country. Washington: People-to-People Health Foundation,
Project HOPE, 1976.
Simon, Justin. "The Antiguan and Barbudan Independent Constitution,
1981: A Westminster Model with a Difference," Bulletin of
Eastern Caribbean Affairs [Cave Hill, Barbados], 7, No.
5, November-December 1981, 1-6.
United States. Agency for International Development. Office of
Foreign Disaster Assistance. Countries of the Caribbean
Community: A Regional Profile. Washington: February 1983.
United States. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook,
1986. Washington: GPO, 1986.
United States. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs.
Background Notes: Antigua and Barbuda. Washington:
World Bank. Antigua and Barbuda: Economic Report.
Washington: 1985.
(Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this section: Daily Gleaner [Kingston,
Jamaica], 1987; Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily
Report: Latin America, 1986-87; and Joint Publications
Research Service, Latin America Report, 1986-87.)
St. Christopher and Nevis
Alexis, Francis. "British Intervention in St. Kitts," New York
University Journal of International Law and Politics, 16,
Spring 1984, 581-600.
Andrade, John. World Police and Paramilitary Forces. New
York: Stockton Press, 1985.
Birnbaum, Stephen (ed.). Birnbaum's Caribbean, Bermuda, and the
Bahamas, 1986. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1985.
Blaustein, Albert P., and Gisbert H. Flanz (eds.).
Constitutions of the Countries of the World. Dobbs
Ferry, New York: Oceana, 1984.
Caribbean/Central American Action. Investing in St. Kitts and
Nevis. Washington: 1986.
Caribbean Development Bank. Annual Report, 1986. Wildey,
Barbados: Letchworth Press, 1987.
Carr, Peter R. "Health Systems Development in the English-Speaking
Caribbean: Toward the Twenty-First Century," Bulletin of
the Pan American Health Organization, 19, No. 4, 1985,
Cox, Edward L. Free Coloreds in the Slave Societies of St.
Kitts and Grenada, 1763-1833. Knoxville: University of
Tennessee Press, 1984.
The Diagram Group. Atlas of Central America and the
Caribbean. New York: Macmillan, 1985.
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank. Report and Statement of
Accounts. Basseterre, St. Christopher and Nevis: 1985.
Emmanuel, Patrick A.M. "Comment on Proposals for an Independence
Constitution for St. Kitts and Nevis," Bulletin of Eastern
Caribbean Affairs [Cave Hill, Barbados], 8, No. 1, March-
April 1982, 50-52.
Finkel, Herman J. "Patterns of Land Tenure in the Leeward and
Windward Islands and Their Relevance to Problems of
Agricultural Development in the West Indies." Pages 291-304 in
Michael M. Horowitz (ed.), Peoples and Cultures of the
Caribbean. Garden City, New York: Natural History Press,
Fraser, Peter D., and Paul Hackett (eds.). Caribbean Economic
Handbook. London: Euromonitor, 1985.
Gastil, Raymond D. "The Comparative Survey of Freedom," Freedom
at Issue, No. 88, January-February 1986, 7-17.
Gladwin, Ellis. Living in the Changing Caribbean. New
York: Macmillan, 1970.
Green, Richard (ed.). Latin America and Caribbean Review,
1985. Saffron Walden, Essex, United Kingdom : World of
Information, 1984.
Hendrickson, Embert J. "The Eastern Caribbean's Newest States: No
Left Turn," World Today [London], 37, November 1981,
Hunte, George. The West Indian Islands. New York: Viking
Press, 1972.
Ince, Basil A., et al. Issues in Caribbean International
Relations. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America,
"An Independent St. Christopher and Nevis Becomes the Forty-Eighth
Member," Commonwealth Law Bulletin [London], 9, No.
4, October 1983, 1491-97.
Lewis, Gordon K. The Growth of the Modern West Indies. New
York: Monthly Review Press, 1968.
Lewis, W. Arthur. "The Agony of the Eight." Pages 215-35 in David
Lowenthal and Lambros Comitas (eds.), The Aftermath of
Sovereignty: West Indian Perspectives. Garden City, New
York: Anchor Books, 1973.
Midgett, Douglas. "An Analysis of the 1984 General Elections in St.
Kitts-Nevis," Bulletin of Eastern Caribbean Affairs
[Cave Hill, Barbados], 10, No. 1, March-April 1984, 18-27.
Mitchell, Harold. Caribbean Patterns. Edinburgh: Chambers,
O'Loughlin, Carleen. Economic and Political Change in the
Leeward and Windward Islands. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1968.
Pan American Health Organization. Health Conditions in the
Americas, 1981-1984. Washington: 1985.
Phillips, Dion E. "The Increasing Emphasis on Security and Defense
in the Eastern Caribbean." Pages 42-64 in Alma H. Young and
Dion E. Phillips (eds.), Militarization in the Non-
Hispanic Caribbean. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1986.
Richardson, Arthur G. "Reform Education in St. Kitts and Nevis,"
Bulletin of Eastern Caribbean Affairs [Cave Hill,
Barbados], 10, No. 1, March-April 1984, 20-24.
Richardson, Bonham C. Caribbean Migrants: Environment and Human
Survival on St. Kitts and Nevis. Knoxville: University of
Tennessee Press, 1983.
Sherlock, Philip. The Land and People of the West Indies.
Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1967.
St. Christopher and Nevis. Estimates for the Year 1983.
Basseterre, St. Christopher and Nevis: 1983.
------. 1986 Year in Review. Basseterre, St. Christopher
and Nevis: 1986.
------. St. Christopher and Nevis Independence Magazine, 19th
September 1983. North Miami, Florida: Gimmick
Advertising, 1983.
St. Christopher and Nevis. Department of Labour and Tourism.
St. Christopher and Nevis Annual Report of the Department
of Labour for the Year 1984. Basseterre, St. Christopher
and Nevis: 1984.
St. Christopher and Nevis. Ministry of Agriculture. St. Kitts
Fact Sheet on Agriculture. Basseterre, St. Christopher
and Nevis: 1984.
St. Christopher and Nevis. Ministry of Education, Health, and
Social Affairs. St. Kitts--Nevis Educational Statistics,
1980-81. Basseterre, St. Christopher and Nevis: 1981.
St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla. Annual Report on the Royal St.
Christopher- Nevis-Anguilla Police Force for the Year
1967. Basseterre, St. Christopher and Nevis: Police
Force, 1968.
Sutton, Paul (ed.). Dual Legacies in the Contemporary
Caribbean: Continuing Aspects of British and French
Dominion. Totowa, New Jersey: Frank Cass, 1986.
United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean. Economic Activity in Caribbean Countries,
1982. New York: 1983.
------. Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, II:
The Caribbean Economies. New York: July 1986.
United States. Agency for International Development. Office of
Foreign Disaster Assistance. Countries of the Caribbean
Community: A Regional Profile. Washington: February 1983.
United States. Congress. 98th, 2d Session. House of
Representatives. Committee on Armed Services. Report of
the Delegation to Eastern Caribbean and South American
Countries. (Committee Print, No. 16.) Washington: GPO,
February 1984.
World Bank. St. Christopher and Nevis Economic Report.
Washington: 1985.
(Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this section: Democrat [Basseterre, St.
Christopher and Nevis], 1987; Joint Publications Research Service,
Latin America Report, 1983-86; Labour Spokesman
[Basseterre, St. Christopher and Nevis], 1987; Latin American
Monitor [London], 1987; Latin American Weekly Report
[London], 1985; and Latin America Regional Reports:
Caribbean [London], 1987.)
British Dependencies: British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, and
Andrade, John. World Police and Paramilitary Forces. New
York: Stockton Press, 1985.
Anguilla Census of Population, 1984. London: Overseas
Development Administration, 1985.
Annual Report of the Royal British Virgin Islands Police Force,
1983. Road Town, British Virgin Islands: 1984.
Baedeker's Caribbean, Including Bermuda, 1987. Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1986.
Banks, Arthur S. (ed.). Political Handbook of the World,
1984-1985. Binghamton, New York: CSA, 1985.
Birnbaum, Stephen (ed.). Birnbaum's Caribbean, Bermuda, and the
Bahamas, 1986. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1985.
------. Birnbaum's Caribbean, Bermuda, and the Bahamas,
1987. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1986.
Britain. Colonial Office. British Virgin Islands, 1975.
London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1975.
"British Dependent Territories: Anguilla, British Virgin Islands,
Montserrat." Pages 2918-20 in The Europa Year Book 1987,
II. London: Europa, 1987.
British Virgin Islands: Report for the Year 1974. London:
Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1975.
British Virgin Islands. Statistical Division. Trade Report for
the British Virgin Islands, 1981. Road Town, British
Virgin Islands: 1982.
Brooks, John (ed.). The 1987 South American Handbook. (63d
ed.) Bath, United Kingdon: Trade and Travel, 1986.
Caribbean Development Bank. Annual Report, 1986. Wildey,
Barbados: Letchworth Press, 1986.
The Diagram Group. Atlas of Central America and the
Caribbean. New York: Macmillan, 1985.
Dun and Bradstreet International. Dun and Bradstreet
International Market Guide for Latin America, January
1986. New York: 1986.
Economist Intelligence Unit. Quarterly Economic Review of
Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Barbados, Windward and Leeward
Islands. London: Economist, 1986.
Fergus, H.A. Montserrat: Emerald Isle of the Caribbean.
London: Macmillan Caribbean, 1983.
Fraser, Peter D., and Paul Hackett (eds.). Caribbean Economic
Handbook. London: Euromonitor, 1985.
Green, Richard (ed.). Latin America and Caribbean Review,
1986. Saffron Walden, Essex, United Kingdom: World of
Information, 1985.
Harrigan, N., and P. Varlack. British Virgin Islands: A
Chronology. London: n. pub., 1971.
Inter-American Development Bank. Economic and Social Progress
in Latin America: 1986 Report. Washington: 1987.
Jane's Fighting Ships, 1984-85. (Ed., John Moore.) London:
Jane's, 1985.
Montserrat. Statistical Office. Ninth Statistical Digest,
1984. Plymouth, Montserrat: 1985.
Pan American Health Organization. Health Conditions in the
Americas, 1981-1984. Washington: 1985.
------. Program Budget, 1986-87. Washington: 1985.
------. "Status of AIDS in the Americas," Epidemiological
Bulletin, 7, Nos. 5-6, December 1986, 1.
Paxton, John (ed.). The Statesman's Year-Book: Statistical and
Historical Annual of the State of the World for the Year 1986-
1987. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986.
Petty, Colville. Anguilla: Where There's a Will There's a
Way. The Valley, Anguilla: C.L. Petty, 1984.
Population Reference Bureau. 1987 World Population.
Washington: 1986.
Rickards, Colin (ed.). Caribbean Year Book, 1979-80.
Toronto: Caribook, 1980.
Taylor, Jeremy (ed.). The Caribbean Handbook, 1986. St.
John's, Antigua and Barbuda: FT Caribbean, 1986.
Third World Guide, 1986-87. New York: Grove Press, 1986.
United States. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook,
1986. Washington: GPO, 1986.
Walker, Jane (ed.). Business Traveller's Handbook: A Guide to
Latin America. New York: Facts on File, 1981.
West, Robert C., and John P. Augelli (eds.). Middle America:
Its Lands and Peoples. (2d ed.) Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1976.
Woodfield, Cyril A. (ed.). British Virgin Islands: The Welcome
Tourist Guide. Road Town, British Virgin Islands: Island
Publishing Services, 1983.
(Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this section: Caribbean and West Indies
Chronicle [London], 1984-86; Daily Gleaner [Kingston,
Jamaica], 1987; Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily
Report: Latin America, 1986-87; Joint
Publications Research Service, Latin America Report,
1986-87; Keesing's Contemporary Archives (changed to
Keesing's Record of World Events in January 1987)
[London], 1984-87; and Latin American Monitor: Caribbean
[London], 1984-87.)
Chapter 6
The Bahamas
Albury, Paul. The Story of the Bahamas. New York: St.
Martin's Press, 1975.
The Bahamas. Report of the Commission of Inquiry Appointed to
Inquire into the Illegal Use of the Bahamas for the
Transshipment of Dangerous Drugs Destined for the United
States of America, November 1983-December 1984. Nassau,
The Bahamas: 1984.
The Bahamas. Cabinet Office. Independence for the Commonwealth
of the Bahamas. Nassau, The Bahamas: 1972.
The Bahamas. Department of Statistics. Census of Population and
Housing, 1980: Preliminary Review. Nassau, The Bahamas:
------. Demographic Aspects of the Bahamian Population,
1901-1974. Nassau, The Bahamas: 1976.
------. National Accounts of the Bahamas, 1973-1979.
Nassau, The Bahamas: 1979.
------. Report of the 1980 Census of Housing. Nassau, The
Bahamas: 1984.
------. Social Statistics Report. Nassau, The Bahamas:
------. Some Aspects of Fertility in New Providence.
Nassau, The Bahamas: 1981.
------. Staff Papers. Nassau, The Bahamas: 1983.
------. Statistical Abstract, 1983. Nassau, The Bahamas:
------. Vital Statistics Report, 1983. Nassau, The
Bahamas: 1985.
The Bahamas. Ministry of Education. Atlas of the Commonwealth
of the Bahamas. (rev. ed.) Kingston, Jamaica: Kingston,
The Bahamas. Ministry of Education and Culture. Archives
Exhibition: Junkanoo. Nassau, The Bahamas: 1978.
------. Constitutional Development of the Bahamas. Nassau,
The Bahamas: 1979.
The Bahamas. Public Records Office. Archives Section. A
Selection of Historic Buildings of the Bahamas. Nassau,
The Bahamas: 1975.
The Bahamas. Royal Bahamas Police Force. Annual Report for the
Year 1981. Nassau, The Bahamas: 1981.
"Bahamas: A Paradise for Tourists and Bankers," Courier
[Brussels], No. 88, November-December 1984, 23-26.
Bahamas Business Guide. Nassau, The Bahamas: Commonwealth,
Bahamas Handbook and Businessman's Annual, 1985. Nassau,
The Bahamas: Etienne Dupuch, Jr., 1984.
Bahamas Handbook and Businessman's Annual, 1987. Nassau,
The Bahamas: Etienne Dupuch, Jr., 1986.
Banks, Arthur S. (ed.). Political Handbook of the World,
1984-1985. Binghamton, New York: CSA, 1985.
Barratt, P.J.H. Grand Bahama. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania:
Stackpole Books, 1972.
Benchley, Peter. "The Bahamas: `Boom Times and Buccaneering',"
National Geographic, 162, No. 3, September 1982, 364-
Blackburne, Kenneth. "Changing Patterns of Caribbean International
Relations: Britain and the British Caribbean." Pages 204-18 in
Richard Millett and W. Marvin Will (eds.), The Restless
Caribbean: Changing Patterns of International Relations.
New York: Praeger, 1979.
Blaustein, Albert P., and Gisbert H. Flanz (eds.).
Constitutions of the Countries of the World. Dobbs
Ferry, New York: Oceana, 1984.
Boultbee, Paul G. Bahamian Reference Collection:
Bibliography. (2d ed.) Nassau, The Bahamas: College of
the Bahamas, 1981.
Brooks, John (ed.). The 1987 South American Handbook.
Bath, United Kingdom: Trade and Travel, 1986.
Craton, Michael. A History of the Bahamas. (3d ed.)
Waterloo, Canada: San Salvador Press, 1986.
Fraser, Peter D., and Paul Hackett (eds.). Caribbean Economic
Handbook. London: Euromonitor, 1985.
Halkitis, Michael. The Climate of the Bahamas. Nassau, The
Bahamas: Bahamas Geographical Association, 1980.
Hannau, Hans W. The Bahama Islands. New York: Doubleday,
Holm, John A., and Alison Watt Shilling. Dictionary of Bahamian
English. Cold Spring, New York: Lexik House, 1982.
Hughes, Colin A. Race and Politics in the Bahamas. New
York: St. Martin's Press, 1981.
Hunte, George. The Bahamas. London: B.T. Batsford, 1975.
Inter-American Development Bank. Economic and Social Progress
in Latin America: 1986 Report. Washington: 1987.
International Monetary Fund. Balance of Payments
Statistics, 37, No. 9, September 1986, 4-50.
Johnson, Doris. The Quiet Revolution in the Bahamas.
Nassau, The Bahamas: Family Islands Press, 1972.
Judge, Joseph. "Where Columbus Found the New World," National
Geographic, 170, No. 5, November 1986, 566-99.
Kurian, George Thomas. Encyclopedia of the Third World.
(rev. ed.) New York: Facts on File, 1982.
Lawes, Dianne Nicholson. Bahamas, 1984. New York: Fisher
Travel Guides, 1984.
Marshall, Dawn I. "The Haitian Problem": Illegal Migration to
the Bahamas. Mona, Jamaica: Institute of Social and
Economic Research, University of the West Indies, 1979.
Padelford, Edward A. "Caribbean Security and U.S.
Political-Military Presence," Strategic Review, Fall
1986, 54-62.
Pan American Health Organization. Health Conditions in the
Americas, 1981-1984. Washington: 1985.
Paxton, John (ed.). The Statesman's Year-Book: Statistical and
Historical Annual of the State of the World for the Year 1986-
1987. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986.
Power, Kevin P. Caribbean Basin Trade and Investment
Guide. Washington: Washington International Press, 1984.
Rees, John. "The Bahamas Now Looks to Kendall Isaacs," Review
of the News, May 19, 1982, 39-48.
Symonette, Michael A. The New Bahamians. Nassau, The
Bahamas: Bahamas International, 1982.
Thompson, Anthony A. An Economic History of the Bahamas.
Nassau, The Bahamas: Commonwealth, 1979.
United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean. Economic Survey of Latin America and the
Caribbean, 1983. Santiago, Chile: 1985.
United States. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook,
1986. Washington: GPO, 1986.
United States. Congress. 98th, 1st Session. House of
Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. U.S.
Narcotics Interdiction Programs in the Bahamas. (Hearings
September 28, October 19, and November 2, 1983.) Washington:
GPO, 1984.
United States. Congress. 99th, 1st Session. House of
Representatives. Committee on Ways and Means. Designation
of the Bahamas as a Beneficiary Country under the Caribbean
Basin Economic Recovery Act. (House Document 99-40.)
Washington: GPO, 1985.
United States. Department of Commerce. International Trade
Administration. Foreign Economic Trends and Their
Implications for the United States: The Bahamas.
Washington: GPO, March 1986.
------. Investment in Foreign Countries, IV. Western Hemisphere
(Excluding Canada). Washington: GPO, August 1985.
United States. Department of State. Country Reports on Human
Rights Practices for 1984. (Report submitted to United
States Congress, 99th, 1st Session, Senate, Committee on
Foreign Relations, and House of Representatives, Committee on
Foreign Affairs.) Washington: GPO, February 1985.
------. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for
1985. (Report submitted to United States Congress, 99th,
2d Session, Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, and House
of Representatives, Committee on Foreign Affairs.) Washington:
GPO, February 1986.
------. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for
1986. (Report submitted to United States Congress, 100th,
1st Session, Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, and House
of Representatives, Committee on Foreign Affairs.) Washington:
GPO, February 1987.
United States. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs.
Background Notes: The Bahamas. Washington: GPO,
December 1984.
United States. Department of State. Foreign Affairs Information
Management Center. Bahamas Post Report. Washington:
GPO, August 1985.
Unites States. Department of State. Office of the Legal Adviser.
Treaties in Force. Washington: GPO, 1985.
World Bank. The Bahamas: Economic Report. Washington:
------. The World Bank Atlas, 1986. Washington: 1986.
(Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this section: Christian Science
Monitor, 1986-87; Country Report: Jamaica, Belize,
Bahamas, Bermuda [London], 1984-87; Foreign Broadcast
Information Service, Daily Report: Latin America, 1985-87;
Joint Publications Research Service, Latin America Report,
1985-87; Latin America and Caribbean Review [Saffron
Walden, Essex, United Kingdom], 1985-87; New York Times,
1985-87; Quarterly Economic Review of Jamaica, Belize, Bahamas,
Bermuda [London], 1984-87; Tribune [Nassau, The
Bahamas], 1985-87; and Washington Post, 1986-87.)
British Dependencies: The Cayman Islands and the Turks and
Caicos Islands
Andrade, John. World Police and Paramilitary Forces. New
York: Stockton Press, 1985.
Baedeker's Caribbean, Including Bermuda, 1987. Englewood
Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1986.
Banks, Arthur S. (ed.). Political Handbook of the World,
1985-1986. Binghamton, New York: CSA, 1986.
Birnbaum, Stephen (ed.). Birnbaum's Caribbean, Bermuda, and the
Bahamas, 1986. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1985.
------. Birnbaum's Caribbean, Bermuda, and the Bahamas,
1987. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1986.
"British Dependent Territories: Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos
Islands." Pages 2929-31 in The Europa Year Book,
1987, II. London: Europa, 1986.
Brooks, John (ed.). The 1987 South American Handbook. (63d
ed.) Bath, United Kingdom: Trade and Travel, 1986.
Caribbean Development Bank. Annual Report, 1986. Wildey,
Barbados: Letchworth Press, 1987.
Cayman Islands. Cayman Islands Annual Report, 1981. George
Town, Cayman Islands: 1982.
------. Cayman Islands Annual Report, 1983. George Town,
Cayman Islands: 1984.
------. Cayman Islands Annual Report, 1984. George Town,
Cayman Islands: 1985.
------. Statistical Abstract of the Cayman Islands, 1983.
George Town, Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Statistical Unit,
The Diagram Group. Atlas of Central America and the
Caribbean. New York: Macmillan, 1985.
Fraser, Peter D. and Paul Hackett (eds.). Caribbean Economic
Handbook. London: Euromonitor, 1985.
Green, Richard (ed.). Latin America and Caribbean Review,
1986. Saffron Walden, Essex, United Kingdom: World of
Information, 1985.
Hamaludin, Mohamed (ed.). Cayman Islands Handbook and
Businessman's Guide 1982-1983. George Town, Cayman
Islands: Northwestern, 1982.
Inter-American Development Bank. Economic and Social Progress
in Latin America: 1986 Report. Washington: 1987.
Kennedy, Denis (ed.). The Atlas of Central America and the
Caribbean. New York: Macmillan Education, 1985.
Paxton, John (ed.). The Statesman's Year-Book: Statistical and
Historical Annual of the State of the World for the Year 1986-
1987. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986.
Population Reference Bureau. 1987 World Population.
Washington: 1986.
Rickards, Colin (ed.). Caribbean Year Book, 1979-80.
Toronto: Caribook, 1980.
"Stern Warning to PNP from Misick," Caribbean Insight
[London], 9, No. 6, June 1986, 12-13.
Third World Guide, 1986-1987. New York: Grove Press, 1986.
United States. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook,
1986. Washington: GPO, 1986.
Walker, Jane (ed.). Business Traveller's Handbook: A Guide to
Latin America. New York: Facts on File, 1981.
"Warning to Other Islands in Turks and Caicos Dismissals,"
Caribbean Insight [London], 9, No. 8, August 1986, 1.
West, Robert C., and John P. Augelli (eds.). Middle America:
Its Lands and Peoples. (2d ed.) Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1976.
(Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this section: Caribbean and West
Indies Chronicle [London], 1985-87; Cayman
Horizons [George Town, Cayman Islands], 1986-87; Keesing's
Contemporary Archives (changed to Keesing's Record of
World Events in January 1987) [London], 1984-87; Latin
American Monitor: Caribbean [London], 1985-87; and
Washington Post, 1986-87.)
Chapter 7
Agro-Melina, Robert Joseph, and John Francis Cronin. The
U.S.S.R.'s Courting of Latin America: Soviet Forward Policy
and Strategy in the Southern Western Hemisphere. (Studies
in International Affairs and Critical Trends, No. 1.) n. pl.:
Horizon (published for the Institute for Analysis of Critical
Trends, Laguna Beach, California), 1984.
Anderson, Thomas D. Geopolitics of the Caribbean: Ministates in
a Wider World. (Politics in Latin America: A Hoover
Institution series.) New York: Praeger, 1984.
Andrade, John. World Police and Paramilitary Forces. New
York: Stockton Press, 1985.
Andre, David J. "Gathering Storm in the Eastern Caribbean,"
Military Review, July 1981, 2-14.
Arthur, Stanley. Grenada and East Caribbean Security.
(Conflict Studies, No. 177.) London: Institute for the Study
of Conflict, 1985.
Ashby, Timothy. The Bear in the Back Yard. Lexington,
Massachusetts: Lexington Books, 1987.
Beshoff, Pamela. "Foreign Policy Co-operation and Regional
Integration in the Caribbean," Millennium: A Journal of
International Studies[London], 15, No. 1, Spring 1986,
Black, George. "Mare Nostrum: U.S. Security Policy in the
English-Speaking Caribbean," NACLA Report on the
Americas, 19, July-August 1985, 13-48.
Blechman, Barry M., and Stephanie E. Levinson. "Soviet Submarine
Visits to Cuba," United States Naval Institute
Proceedings, September 1975, 31-39.
Callcott, Wilfrid Hardy. The Caribbean Policy of the United
States, 1890-1920. New York: Octagon Books, 1966.
CAUSA International. The Soviet Challenge in Central America
and the Caribbean. Washington: January 1985.
Center for Strategic and International Studies. Russia in the
Caribbean. (Special Report Series, No. 13, Pt. 1.)
Washington: 1973.
Diederich, Bernard. "The End of West Indian Innocence: Arming the
Police," Caribbean Review, 13, No. 2, Spring 1984,
Dismukes, Bradford, and Abram N. Shulsky. "Submarine Deployments to
Cuba." Pages 353-54 in Bradford Dismukes (ed.), Soviet
Naval Diplomacy. New York: Pergamon Press, 1979.
Duncan, W. Raymond. "Caribbean Leftism," Problems of
Communism, May-June 1978, 33-57.
Dunn, Peter M., and Bruce W. Watson (eds.). American
Intervention in Grenada: The Implications of Operation "Urgent
Fury." (Westview Special Studies in Military Affairs.)
Boulder: Westview Press, 1985.
Erismand, H. Michael, and John D. Martz (eds.). Colossus
Challenge: The Struggle for Caribbean Influence. Boulder:
Westview Press, 1982.
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