Bibliography -- Georgia (Caucasus)

Chapter 1

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------. Looking Toward Ararat: Armenia in Modern History.
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     4, 481-506.

------. "The Revenge of the Past: Socialism and Ethnic Conflict in
     Transcaucasia," New Left Review, No. 184,
     November-December 1990, 5-34.

Suny, Ronald G. (ed.). Transcaucasia: Nationalism and Social
     Change: Essays in the History of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and
     Georgia. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications, 1983.

Sutton, Peter. "A View of Soviet Armenia," Contemporary
     Review, No. 246, May 4, 1985, 251-54.

Sweeney, Padraic (ed.). The Transportation Handbook for Russia
     and the Former Soviet Union. Arlington, Virginia:
     ASET/ICI, 1993.

Ter Minassian, Anahide. Nationalism and Socialism in the
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------. La République d'Arménie. Paris: Éditions
     Complexes, 1989.

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Toynbee, Arnold J. Armenian Atrocities: The Murder of a
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     International Health Information. Armenia: USAID Health
     Profile. Arlington, Virginia: 1992.

------. Central Intelligence Agency. Handbook of International
     Economic Statistics, 1993. Washington: GPO, 1993.

------. Central Intelligence Agency. USSR Energy Atlas.
     Washington: 1985.

------. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook,
     1994. Washington: 1994.

------. Department of Commerce. Business Information Service for
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     Armenia. Washington: 1993.

------. Department of State. "Armenia," U.S. Department of
     State Dispatch, 5, May 2, 1994, 255-57.

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     Affairs, 19, February 1988, 20-35.

------. Armenia: The Survival of a Nation. New York: St.
     Martin's Press, 1980.

Walker, Christopher J. (ed.). Armenia and Karabagh: The
     Struggle for Unity. London: Minority Rights Group, 1991.

Woff, Richard. "The Armed Forces of Armenia," Jane's
     Intelligence Review [London], 6, September 1994, 387-91.

World Bank. Food and Agricultural Policy Reforms in the Former
     USSR. (Studies of Economies in Transformation, Paper No.
     1.) Washington: 1992.

------. Statistical Handbook: States of the Former USSR.
     (Studies of Economies in Transformation, Paper No. 3.)
     Washington: 1992.

   (Various issues of the following periodicals were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Armenian Assembly of America,
Monthly Digest of News from Armenia; and Foreign Broadcast
Information Service, Daily Report: Central Eurasia,
FBIS Report: Central Eurasia, and JPRS Report:
Environmental Issues.)

Chapter 2

Afandiiev, Rasim. Folk Art of Azerbaijan. Baku: Ishyg,

Akiner, Shirin. Islamic Peoples of the Soviet Union. (2d
     ed.) London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986.

Alstadt, Audrey L. "The Azerbaijani Bourgeoisie and the Cultural-
     Enlightenment Movement in Baku: First Steps Toward
     Nationalism." In Ronald G. Suny (ed.), Transcaucasia:
     Nationalism and Social Change: Essays in the History of
     Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Ann Arbor: Michigan
     Slavic Publications, 1983.

------. The Azerbaijani Turks: Power and Identity under Russian
     Rule. Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press,

Apostolou, Andrew, Amberin Zaman, and Naritza Matossian. "Central
     Asia: New Players in an Old Game," Middle East, No.
     213, July 1992, 5-10.

Bennigsen, Alexandre, and Marie Broxup. The Islamic Threat to
     the Soviet State. London: Croom Helm, 1983.

Bennigsen, Alexandre, Marie Broxup, and S. Enders Wimbush.
     Muslims of the Soviet Empire: A Guide. Bloomington:
     Indiana University Press, 1986.

"Dangerous Liaisons in Transcaucasia," Intelligence
     Digest, February 18, 1994, 3-4.

Davis, Christopher M. "Health Care Crisis: The Former Soviet
     Union," RFE/RL Research Report [Munich], 2, No. 40,
     October 8, 1993, 35-43.

Dragadze, Tamara. "Azerbaijanis." Pages 163-79 in Graham Smith
     (ed.), The Nationalities Question in the Soviet
     Union. London: Longman, 1990.

The Europa World Year Book, 1993, 1. London: Europa, 1993.

The Europa World Year Book, 1994, 1. London: Europa, 1994.

Fawcett, Louise l'Estrange. Iran and the Cold War: The
     Azerbaijan Crisis of 1946. Cambridge: Cambridge
     University Press, 1992.

Frelick, Bill. Faultlines of Nationality Conflict: Refugees and
     Displaced Persons from Armenia and Azerbaijan.
     Washington: U.S. Committee for Refugees, 1994.

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     Research Report [Munich], 2, No. 32, August 13, 1993, 24-

-------. "Azerbaijan's Relations with Russia and the CIS,"
     RFE/RL Research Report [Munich], 1, No. 43, October
     30, 1992, 52-55.

------. "Ethnic Strife Threatens Democratization," RFE/RL
     Research Report [Munich], 2, No. 1, January 1, 1993, 17-

------. "The Karabakh Mediation Process: Grachev Versus the CSCE?"
     RFE/RL Research Report [Munich], 3, No. 23, June 10,
     1994, 13-17.

------. "Paramilitary Forces Dominate Fighting in Transcaucasus,"
     RFE/RL Research Report, 2, No. 25, June 18, 1993, 74-

------. "Russia, Turkey, Iran, and the Karabakh Mediation Process,"
     RFE/RL Research Report [Munich], 3, No. 8, February
     25, 1994, 31-36.

Goble, Paul A. "Coping with the Nagorno-Karabakh Crisis,"
     Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 16, Summer 1992, 19-

Golden, Peter. "The Turkic Peoples and Transcaucasia." Pages 45-68
     in Ronald G. Suny (ed.), Transcaucasia: Nationalism and
     Social Change: Essays in the History of Armenia, Azerbaijan,
     and Georgia. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications,

Henry, J.D. Baku: An Eventful History. London: Constable,
     1905. Reprint. New York: Arno Press, 1977.

Hostler, Charles W. Turkism and the Soviets. London: Allen
     and Unwin, 1957.

Huddle, Frank, Jr. "Azerbaidzhan and the Azerbaidzhanis," Pages
     189-210 in Zev Katz (ed.), Handbook of Major Soviet
     Nationalities. New York: Free Press, 1975.

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     Traditional. Moscow: Progress, 1969.

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     Washington: 1992.

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     West.) Tulsa: PennWell, 1992.

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     Alexandria, Virginia: Jane's Information Group, 1993.

Katz, Zev (ed.). Handbook of Major Soviet Nationalities.
     New York: Free Press, 1975.

Kazemzadeh, Firuz. The Struggle for Transcaucasia, 1917-
     1921. New York: Philosophical Library, 1951.

Lloyd's Ports of the World, 1988. (Ed., Paul J. Cuny.)
     Colchester, United Kingdom: Lloyd's of London, 1988.

Maggs, William Ward. "Armenia and Azerbaijan: Looking Toward the
     Middle East," Current History, 92, January 1993, 6-

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     International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1994.

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     and I, 7, February 1992, 80-85.

Noble, John S., and John King. USSR: A Travel Survival
     Kit. Berkeley, California: Lonely Planet, 1993.

Pipes, Richard. The Formation of the Soviet Union: Communism
     and Nationalism, 1917-1923. Cambridge: Harvard University
     Press, 1964.

Richards, Susan. Epics of Everyday Life: Encounters in a
     Changing Russia. New York: Viking Press, 1990.

Saroyan, Mark. "The `Karabakh Syndrome' and Azerbaijani Politics,"
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Sobhani, Sohrab C. "Azerbaijan: A People in Search of
     Independence," Global Affairs, 6, Winter 1991, 40-53.

The Statesman's Year-Book, 1994-1995. (Ed., Brian Hunter.)
     New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994.

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     Surviving Together, 11, Spring 1993, 10-14.

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     Nationality in the Russian Revolution. Princeton:
     Princeton University Press, 1972.

Suny, Ronald G. (ed.). Transcaucasia: Nationalism and Social
     Change: Essays in the History of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and
     Georgia. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications, 1983.

Sweeney, Padraic (ed.). The Transportation Handbook for Russia
     and the Former Soviet Union. Arlington, Virginia:
     ASET/ICI, 1993.

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     Irredentism," Armenian Review, 43, Summer-Autumn
     1990, 35-49.

-------. "National Consciousness and Political Orientations in
     Azerbaijan, 1905-1920." Pages 209-38 in Ronald G. Suny (ed.),
     Transcaucasia: Nationalism and Social Change: Essays in
     the History of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Ann
     Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications, 1983.

-------. Russian Azerbaijan, 1905-1920: The Shaping of National
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     University Press, 1985.

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     Washington: 1992.

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the preparation of this chapter: Foreign Broadcast Information
Service, Daily Report: Central Eurasia and FBIS
Report: Central Eurasia.)

Chapter 3

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     Congressional Research Service, August 24, 1993.

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     York: Longman, 1990.

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     European Politics. Durham: Duke University Press, 1989.

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     Illinois: Passport Books, 1992.

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     Magazine, December 26, 1993, 16-19.

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     York: Free Press, 1991.

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     4, 1985, 51-68.

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------. "The Politics of Georgia's Independence," Problems of
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     Union. New York: Longman, 1990.

The Statesman's Year-Book, 1993-1994. (Ed., Brian Hunter.)
     New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994.

Suny, Ronald G. The Making of the Georgian Nation.
     Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988.

Sweeney, Padraic (ed.). The Transportation Handbook for Russia
     and the Former Soviet Union. Arlington, Virginia:
     ASET/ICI, 1993.

Timofeyev, A. Motorist's Guide to the Soviet Union.
     Moscow: Progress, 1980.

Tremlett, P.I. (ed.). Thomas Cook Overseas Timetable.
     Thorpe Wood, United Kingdom: Thomas Cook, 1994.

United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Handbook of
     International Economic Statistics, 1993. Washington: GPO,

------. Central Intelligence Agency. USSR Energy Atlas.
     Washington: 1985.

------. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook,
     1994. Washington: 1994.

------. Congress. 103d, 1st Session. Commission on Security and
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------. Department of Commerce. Business Information Service for
     the Newly Independent States. Georgia. Washington:

World Bank. Food and Agricultural Policy Reforms in the Former
     USSR. (Studies of Economies in Transformation, Paper No.
     1.) Washington: 1992.

------. Georgia: A Blueprint for Reforms. (A World Bank
     Country Study.) Washington: 1993.

------. Statistical Handbook: States of the Former USSR.
     (Studies of Economies in Transformation, Paper No. 3.)
     Washington: 1992.

   (Various issues of the following periodicals were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Caucasian Institute for Peace,
Democracy, and Development, Georgian Chronicle Monthly
Bulletin [Tbilisi]; and Foreign Broadcast Information Service,
Daily Report: Soviet Union, Daily Report: Central
Eurasia, and FBIS Report: Central Eurasia.)