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of 1985. (Documents on the Policy of the German
Democratic Republic.) East Berlin: Panorama DDR, 1985.
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Fulfillment of the 1984 National Economic Plan.
(Documents on the Policy of the German Democratic Republic.)
East Berlin: Panorama DDR: 1985.
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Schneider, Eberhard. The G.D.R.: The History, Politics,
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Adomeit and Roger Clarke.) New York: St. Martin's Press,
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Kingdom], EE-8434, December 5, 1986, C1-C14.
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Report, (FBIS-EER-86-096.) June 30, 1986, 1-29.
Steele, Jonathan. Inside East Germany: The State That Came in
from the Cold. New York: Urizen Books, 1977.
Stolper, Wolfgang. The Structure of the East German
Economy. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1960.
Thalheim, K.C., et al. Die Wirtschaft der DDR am Beginn der
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------. Central Intelligence Agency. National Foreign Assessment
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Working Papers, No. 118.) Washington: World Bank, 1985.
Weber, Hermann. Geschichte der DDR. Munich: Deutscher
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Zimmermann, Hartmut, Horst Ulrich, and Michael Fehlauer (eds.).
DDR Handbuch. (3d ed.) Cologne: Verlag Wissenschaft
und Politik, 1985.
(Various issues of the following publications were also used
in the preparation of this chapter: Deutschland Archiv
[Cologne]; DIW Wochenbericht [West Berlin]; Einheit
[East Berlin]; Neues Deutschland [East Berlin);
Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung [West
Berlin]; and Wirtschaftswissenschaft [East Berlin]).
Chapter 4
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4, Winter 1985, 743-74.
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(Various issues of the following publications were also used
in the preparation of this chapter: Western Europe Daily
Report published by the Foreign Broadcast Information
Service (FBIS) January 1980-June 1981.)
Chapter 5
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Research.) Washington, March 29, 1982.
------. "The GDR in 1983," RAD Background Report, 298
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Appendix B
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