Bibliography -- Guyana (Guyana and Belize)

Chapter 1

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Chapter 2

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     Massachusetts: Schenkman, 1982.

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     Immigrants in British Guiana During the Nineteenth Century,"
     Comparative Studies in Society and History
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     University of the West Indies.) Millwood, New York: Kraus
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Chapter 3

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     Greenwood Press, 1987.

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     1989, 139.

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     12, 1990, 42, 46.

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     Washington: 1992.

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     Rosemary Thorp (ed.), Latin America in the 1930s.
     London: Macmillan, 1984.

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   (Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Economist Intelligence Unit,
Country Report: Guyana, Barbados, and Windward and Leeward
Islands [London]; Economic [London]; Financial
Times [London]; Guyana Business [Georgetown];
Guyana Chronicle [Georgetown]; the International Monetary
Fund's monthly International Financial Statistics;
Latin America Economic Report [London]; Latin America
Regional Report [London]; South [London]; and
Stabroek News [Georgetown].)

Chapter 4

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Chapter 5

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     in Yucatan. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1977.

------. "Los Caneros: Sociopolitical Aspects of the History of
     Agriculture in the Corozal Region of British Honduras." (Ph.D.
     dissertation.) Waltham, Massachusetts: Brandeis University,

------. Maya Resistance to Spanish Rule: Time and History on a
     Colonial Frontier. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico
     Press, 1989.

Jones, Grant D. (ed.). Anthropology and History in
     Yucatan. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1977.

Jones, Grant D., Elizabeth Graham, and Robert R. Kautz.
     "Archaeology and Ethnohistory on a Spanish Colonial Frontier:
     An Interim Report on the Macal-Tipu Project in Western
     Belize." Pages 206-14 in Arlen F. Chase and Prudence M. Rice
     (eds.), The Lowland Maya Postclassic: Questions and
     Answers. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1985.

Kearns, Kevin C. "Belmopan: Prospects of a New Capital,"
     Geographical Review, 43, No. 2, 1973.

Mackie, Euan W. "New Light on the End of Classic Maya Culture at
     Benque Viejo, British Honduras," American Antiquity,
     27, 1961, 216-24.

McLeish, J. "British Activities in Yucatan and the Moskito Shore in
     the Eighteenth Century." (M.A. thesis.) London: University of
     London, 1926.

Medina, Lauri Kroshus. "Content for Continuity or Change: A Local-
     Level View of the Organization of Power Relations in the
     Belizean Citrus Industry," Caribbean Studies [Río
     Piedras, Puerto Rico], 23, Nos. 3 and 4, 1990, 51-67.

Menon, P.K. "The Anglo-Guatemalan Dispute over the Colony of Belize
     (British Honduras)," Journal of Latin American
     Studies, 2, No. 2, 1979, 343-71.

Minkel, Clarence W., and Ralph H. Alderman. A Bibliography of
     British Honduras, 1900-1970. East Lansing: Michigan State
     University, 1970.

Moberg, Mark A. "Between Agency and Dependence: Belizean Households
     in a Changing World System." (Ph.D. dissertation.) Los
     Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, 1988.

------. "Class Resistance and Class Hegemony: From Conflict to Co-
optation in the Citrus Industry of Belize," Ethnology, 29,
     No. 3, 1990, 189-207.

Muntsh, Albert. "Xaibe: A Mayan Enclave in Northern British
     Honduras," Anthropological Quarterly, 34, 1961, 121-

Naylor, R.A. "British Commercial Relations with Central America
     1821-51." (Ph.D. dissertation.) New Orleans: Tulane
     University, 1958.

Parvenu, M. André. "Refugee Migration and Settlement in Belize: The
     Valley of Peace Project." (M.A. thesis.) Madison: University
     of Wisconsin, 1986.

Scholes, France V., and Sir Eric Thompson. "The Francisco Perez
     Probanza of 1654-1656 and the Matricular of Tipu (Belize)."
     Pages 43-68 in Grant D. Jones (ed.), Anthropology and
     History in Yucatan. Austin: University of Texas Press,

Setzekorn, William David. Formerly British Honduras: A Profile
     of the New Nation of Belize. Athens: Ohio University
     Press, 1981.

Shoman, Assad. Party Politics in Belize, 1950-1986. Benque
     Viejo del Carmen, Belize: Cubola Productions, 1987.

Taylor, Douglas M. The Black Carib of British Honduras.
     New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation, 1951.

Thorndike, Anthony E. "Belizean Political Parties: The Independence
     Crisis and After," Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative
     Politics [London], 21, No. 2, 1983, 195-211.

United Kingdom. British Honduras Land Use Survey. Land in
     British Honduras: A Report of the British Honduras Land Use
     Survey Team. London: HMSO, 1959.

Waddell, D.A.G. British Honduras: A Historical and Contemporary
     Survey. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1981.

Wilk, Richard R. "Agriculture, Culture, and Domestic Organization
     among the Kekchi Maya." (Ph.D. dissertation.) Tucson:
     University of Arizona, 1981.

Woodward, Ralph Lee. Belize. Oxford: Clio Press, 1980.

Zammit, J. Ann. The Belize Issue. London: Latin America
     Bureau, 1978.

   (Various issues of the following publcations were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: América Indígena [Mexico
City]; Caribbean Quarterly [Kingston, Jamaica];
Caribbean Review; and Journal of Belizean Affairs
[Belize City].)

Chapter 7

Ashcraft, Norman. Colonialism and Underdevelopment: Processes
     of Political Economic Change in British Honduras. New
     York: Teachers College Press, 1973.

Belize. Central Statistical Office. Abstract of
     Statistics, 1986. Belmopan, Belize: 1987.

Bolland, O. Nigel. Belize: A New Nation in Central
     America. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1986.

------. Colonialism and Resistance in Belize: Essays in
     Historical Sociology. Benque Viejo del Carmen, Belize:
     Cubola Productions, 1988.

------. "Race, Ethnicity, and National Integration in Belize."
     (Paper presented at the First Annual Studies on Belize
     Conference, May 25-26, 1987.) Belize City: University Centre,

Brockman, C. Thomas. "Ethnic and Racial Relations in Northern 
     Belize," Ethnicity, 4, 1977, 246-62.

Esgood, Brule. "The Belize National Survey," International
     Third World Studies Journal, 1, No. 2, Fall 1989, 263-76.

Everitt, J.C. "The Growth and Development in Belize City,"
     Belizean Studies [Belize City], 14, No. 1, 1986, 2-

------. "The Recent Migrations of Belize, Central America,"
     International Migration Review, 18, No. 2. 1984, 319-

------. "The Torch Is Passed: Neocolonialism in Belize,"
     Caribbean Quarterly [Mona, Kingston, Jamaica], 33,
     Nos. 3-4, 1987, 42-59.

Federal Republic of Germany. Statistisches Bundesamt.
     Länderbericht Belize, 1987. (Statistik des Auslandes
     Series.) Wiesbaden: 1987.

------. Statistisches Bundesamt. Länderbericht Belize,
     1989. (Statistik des Auslandes Series.) Wiesbaden: 1989.

Foster, B. Heart Drum. Benque Viejo del Carmen, Belize:
     Cubola Productions, 1986.

Godfrey, G. The Sinners Bosonoud. Benque Viejo del Carmen,
     Belize: Cubola Productions, 1987.

Grant, Cedric H. The Making of Modern Belize: Politics,
     Society, and British Colonialism in Central America.
     Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976.

Hartshorn, Gary, et al. Belize: Country Environmental
     Profile. Belize City: R. Nicolait, 1984.

Hyde, Evan. "Celebrations and Contentions," Amandala
     [Belize City], No. 940, 1987, 1.

Jamail, Milton. "Belize: Still Struggling for Independence.
     NACLA Report on the Americas, 18, No. 4, 1984, 8-10.

------. "Belize: Will Independence Mean New Dependence?" NACLA
     Report on the Americas. 18, No. 4, 1984, 13-16.

Jones, Grant D. The Politics of Agricultural Development in
     Northern British Honduras. Winston-Salem, North Carolina:
     Wake Forest University, 1971.

Krohn, Lita (ed.). Readings in Belizean History. Belize
     City: Belizean Studies, St. John's College, 1987.

Lent, John. "Country of No Return: Belize since Television," 
     Belizean Studies [Belize City], 17, No. 1, 1989, 14-

Roberts, S.A. "Recent Demographic Trends in Belize." Pages 9-21 in
     Society for Promotion of Education and Research, Belize:
     Ethnicity and Development. Belize City: 1987.

Rosser, C., L. Snyder, and S. Chaffee. "Belize Release Me, Let Me
     Go: The Impact of Mass Media on Emigration in Belize,"
     Belizean Studies [Belize City], 14, No. 3, 1986, 1-

Rutheiser, Charles. Culture, Schooling, and Neocolonialism in
     Belize. (Ph.D. dissertation, Johns Hopkins University,
     1991.) Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms, 1991.

Society for the Promotion of Education and Research. "Belize:
     Ethnicity and Development." (Paper presented at the First
     Annual Studies on Belize Conference, May 25-26, 1987.) Belize
     City: University Centre, 1987.

South America, Central America, and the Caribbean, 1991.
     London: Europa, 1991.

Topsey, Harriot. "The Ethnic War in Belize." (Paper presented at
     the First Annual Studies on Belize Conference, May 25-26,
     1987.) Belize City: University Centre, 1987.

United States. Agency for International Development. Belize:
     Country Development Strategy, Washington: GPO, 1983.

------. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook,
     1989. Washington: GPO, 1990.

Wilk, Richard R. "Consumer Goods as Dialogue about Development,"
     Culture and History [Copenhagen], 7, 1989, 79-100.

------. "Mayan Ethnicity in Belize," Cultural Survival
     Quarterly, 10, 1986, 73-77.

Chapter 8

Ashcraft, Norman. Colonialism and Underdevelopment: Processes
     of Political Economic Change in British Honduras. New
     York: Teachers College Press, 1973.

Barry, Tom. Belize: A Country Guide. Albuquerque, New
     Mexico: Inter-Hemispheric Education Resource Center, 1989.

------. Inside Belize. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Inter-
Hemispheric Education Rsource Center, 1992.

Belize. Government Information Service. Belize in Figures.
     Belmopan: 1991.

Belize. Off To a Great Start: Mid-Term Report. Belize
     City: Government Printery, 1992.

Bolland, O. Nigel. Belize: A New Nation in Central
     America. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1986.

------. The Formation of a Colonial Society: Belize from
     Conquest to Crown Colony. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
     University Press, 1977.

Carey Jones, N.S. The Pattern of a Dependent Economy: The
     National Income of British Honduras. Westport,
     Connecticut, Greenwood Press, 1972.

Caribbean Development Bank. Annual Economic Report 1990:
     Belize. Bridgetown, Barbados: 1991.

Demas, William G., The Economics of Development in Small
     Countries. Montreal: McGill University Press, 1965.

Economist Intelligence Unit. Country Profile: Belize, Bahamas,
     Bermuda, 1989-90. London: 1989.

------. Country Profile: Belize, Bahamas, Bermuda, 1991-
     92. London: 1991.

Federal Republic of Germany. Statistisches Bundesamt.
     Länderbericht Belize, 1989. (Statistik des Auslandes
     Series.) Wiesbaden: 1989.

Furley, Peter A. Geography of Belize. London: Collins,

Grant, Cedric H. "Belize: Multiple External Orientation: The
     Caribbean Dimension." (Paper presented at the Twelfth
     International Congress of the Caribbean Studies Association,
     1987.) Belize City: 1987.

Hartshorn, Gary. Belize: Country Environmental Profile, A Field
     Study. Belize City: R. Nicolait, 1984.

International Monetary Fund. Balance of Payment
     Statistics. Washington: 1991.

MacDonald, Scott B., Margie Lindsay, and David L. Crumm (eds.).
     The Global Debt Crisis. London: Pinter, 1990.

MacDonald, Scott B., and Georges A. Fauriol (eds.). The
     Politics of the Caribbean Basin Sugar Trade. New York:
     Praeger, 1991.

Mitchell, Harold. Europe in the Caribbean. New York:
     Cooper Square, 1973.

Setzekorn, William David. Formerly British Honduras: A Profile
     of the New Nation of Belize. Athens, Ohio: Ohio
     University Press, 1981.

Society for the Promotion of Education and Reseaech. "Belize:
     Ethnicity, and Development." (Paper presented at the First
     Annual Studies on Belize Conference, May 25-26, 1987.) Belize
     City: University Centre, 1987.

United States. Agency for International Development. Latin
     America and the Cribbean: Selected Economic Data.
     Washington: 1992.

World Bank. Belize, Economic Report. Washington: 1984.

------. The Caribbean: Export Preferences and Performance.
     Washington: 1988.

------. World Bank Atlas. Washington: 1990.

Zammit, J. Ann. The Belize Issue. London: Latin America
     Bureau, 1978.

   (Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Economist Intelligence Unit,
Country Report: Belize, Bahamas, Bermuda [London].)

Chapter 9

Barry, Tom. Belize: A Country Guide. Albuquerque, New
     Mexico: Inter-Hemispheric Education Resource Center, 1989.

Belize. Government Information Service. How We Are
     Governed. Belize City: 1990.

------. Independence Secretariat. Belize: New Nation in Central
     America. Belize City: Government Printery, 1972.

------. Ministry of Education. Belize Today: A Society in
     Transformation. Belize City: Sunshine Books, 1984.

Blaustein, Albert P., and Gilbert H. Flanz (eds.).
     Constitutions of the Countries of the World. (Series
     of updated texts, constitutional chronologies, and annotated
     bibliographies.) Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana, 1981.

Bolland, O. Nigel. Belize: A New Nation in Central
     America. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1986.

------. "Race, Ethnicity, and National Integration in Belize."
     (Paper presented at the First Annual Studies on Belize
     Conference, May 25-26, 1987.) Belize City: University Centre,

Byrd, Herman. "Oil in Guatemala: An Economic Factor in the Heads of
     Agreement." Belizean Studies [Belize City], 15, No.
     2, 1987, 25-39.

Comisión de Asuntos Internacionales. México y sus vecinos:
     Estados Unidos, Guatemala, y Belice. Mexico City: Partido
     Revolucionario Institucional, 1982.

Dobson, Narda. A History of Belize. London: Longman, 1973.

The Europa World Year Book, 1989. 1. London: Europa, 1989.

Fernandez, Julio A. Belize: Case Study for Democracy in Central
     America. Brookfield, Vermont: Gower, 1989.

Halsbury Laws of England. (3d ed.) London: Butterworth,

Palacio, Myrtle. "Elections in Belize City--Who Is Participating?"
     (Paper presented at the First Annual Studies on Belize
     Conference, May 25-26, 1987.) Belize City: University Centre,

Sawatzky, Harry Leonard. They Sought a Country: Mennonite
     Colonization in Mexico. Berkeley: University of
     California Press, 1971.

Shoman, Assad. "The Making and the Breaking of the UGWU." (Paper
     presented at the First Annual Studies on Belize Conference,
     May 25-26, 1987.) Belize City: University Centre, 1987.

------. Party Politics in Belize, 1950-1986. Benque Viejo
     del Carmen, Belize: Cubola Productions, 1987.

Waddell, D.A.G. British Honduras: A Historical and Contemporary
     Survey. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1981.

Whatmore, Mark, and Peter Eltringham. The Real Guide: Guatemala
     and Belize. New York: Prentice Hall Press, 1990.

Zammit, J. Ann. The Belize Issue. London: Latin America
     Bureau, 1978.

Chapter 10

Belize. Constitution. Belmopan: Government Printery, 1981.

-----. Criminal Code, 1980. Belmopan: Government Printery,

------. Defence Ordinance, 1977. Belmopan: Government
     Printery, 1977.

------. Misuse of Drugs Act, 1990. Belmopan: Government
Printery, 1990.

------. Security and Intelligence Service Act, 1987.
     Belmopan: Government Printery, 1987.

Bolland, O. Nigel. Belize: A New Nation in Central
     America. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1986.

Caiger, Stephen L. British Honduras Past and Present.
     London: Allen and Unwin, 1951.

Copley, Gregory R. (ed.). Defense and Foreign Affairs Handbook,
     1987-88. Washington: Perth, 1987.

Dobson, Narda. A History of Belize. London: Longman, 1973.

Encyclopedia of the Third World. (Ed., George Thomas
     Kurian). New York: Facts on File, 1987.

English, Adrian J. Regional Defence Profile, No 1.
     Coulsdon, United Kingdom: Jane's Information, 1988.

The Europa World Year Book, 1990. London: Europa, 1990.

Fernandez, Julio A. Belize: Case Study for Democracy in Central
     America. Brookfield, Vermont: Gower, 1989.

Government Finance Statistics Yearbook, 1989. Washington:
     International Monetary Fund: 1990.

Grant, Cedric H. The Making of Modern Belize: Politics,
     Society, and British Colonialism in Central America.
     Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976.

Huskey, James L. (ed.). Lambert's Worldwide Directory of
     Defense Authorities with International Defense
     Organizations. Washington: Lambert, 1983.

Ingleton, Roy D. Police of the World. New York:
     Scribner's, 1979.

Jane's Fighting Ships, 1990-1991. (Ed., Richard Sharpe.)
     Coulsdon, United Kingdom: Jane's Information, 1990.

Keegan, John (ed.). World Armies. New York: Facts on File,

The Military Balance, 1990-1991. London: International
     Institute for Strategic Studies, 1990.

Setzekorn, William David. Formerly British Honduras: A Profile
     of the New Nation of Belize. Athens: Ohio University
     Press, 1981.

United Kingdom. Office of Commonwealth Relations. The
     Commonwealth Yearbook, 1990. London: HMSO, 1990.

United States. Department of Defense. Defense Security Assistance
     Agency. Congressional Presentation for Security Assistance
     Programs, FY 1992. Washington: GPO, 1991.

------. Department of Defense. Defense Security Assistance Agency.
     Foreign Military Sales, Foreign Military Construction
     Sales, and Military Assistance as of September 30, 1990.
     Washington: GPO, 1990.

------. Department of State. Country Reports on Human Rights
     Practices for 1990. (Report submitted to United States
     Congress, 102d, 1st Session, Senate, Committee on Foreign
     Relations, and House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign
     Affairs.) Washington: GPO, 1991.

World Bank. World Tables, 1989-90: From the Data Files of the
     World Bank. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,

World Encyclopedia of Police Forces and Penal Systems.
     (Ed., George Thomas Kurian). New York: Facts on File, 1989.

   (Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Belize Today [Belize
City]; Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report:
Latin America; Joint Publications Research Service, Latin
American Report; and Soldier [London].)

Appendices B-D

Abrams, Elliot. "CBI and the U.S. National Interest,"
     Department of State Bulletin, April 1986, 84-89.

American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico. Business Opportunities
     under the Caribbean Basin Initiative, 1987. Mexico City:

Arnold, Guy. Economic Co-operation in the Commonwealth.
     Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1967.

Banks, Arthur S. (ed.). Political Handbook of the World, 1985-
     86. Binghamton, New York: CSA, 1986.

Blake, Byron, and Kenneth Hall. "The Caribbean Community:
     Administrative and Institutional Aspects," Journal of
     Common Market Studies, 16, No. 3, March 1978, 211-28.

Brock, William. "The Caribbean Basin Initiative." Pages xiii-xiv in
     Kevin P. Power (ed.), Caribbean Basin Trade and Investment
     Guide. Washington: Washington International Press, 1984.

Caribbean and Central American Action. Caribbean and Central
     American Databook, 1988. Washington: 1987.

"Caribbean Community and Common Market--CARICOM." Pages 108-9 in
     The Europa Year Book 1987: A World Survey, 1. London:
     Europa, 1987.

"Caribbean Community and Common Market--CARICOM." Pages 663-65 in
     South America, Central America, and the Caribbean,
     1992. London: Europa, 1992.

"Caribbean Leaders Back New Moves for Economic Integration,"
     Caribbean Insight, 9, No. 7, July 1986, 1-2.

Caribbean Community Secretariat. Report to the Secretary
     General of Caricom, 1985. Georgetown, Guyana: 1986.

------. Sixth Meeting of the Conference of Caricom Heads of
     Government. Review of the Caribbean Basin Initiative
     (Agenda Item No. 11. Conference held July 1-4, 1985.)
     Georgetown, Guyana: 1985.

Chernick, Sidney E. The Commonwealth Caribbean: The Integration
     Experience. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,

"The Commonwealth." Pages 114-20 in The Europa Year Book 1987:
     A World Survey, 1. London: Europa, 1987.

Day, Alan J. (ed.). Treaties and Alliances of the World.
     Detroit: Gale Research, 1981.

Development Group for Alternative Policies. Supporting Central
     American and Caribbean Development: A Critique of the
     Caribbean Basin Initiative and an Alternative Regional
     Assistance Plan. Washington: 1983.

Feinberg, Richard E., Richard Newfarmer, and Bernadette Orr.
     "Caribbean Basin Initiative: Pros and Cons." Pages 113-28 in
     Mark Falcoff and Robert Royal (eds.), The Continuing
     Crisis: U.S. Policy in Central America and the Caribbean.
     Washington: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1987.

Fox, James W. Is the Caribbean Basin Initiative Working?
     Washington: United States, Agency for International
     Development, March 7, 1989.

"Glimmer of Hope for CARICOM Trade," Caribbean Insight,
     10, No. 7, March 1987, 1.

Gonzalez, Anthony P. "Future of Caricom: Collective Self-reliance
     in Decline?," Caribbean Review, 13, No. 4, Fall 1984,
     8-11, 40.

Gordon, Richard A., and John Venuti. "Exchange of Information under
     Tax Treaties--An Update," Tax Management International
     Journal, 15, August 8, 1986, 292-98.

Hall, H. Duncan. Commonwealth: A History of the British
     Commonwealth of Nations. London: Van Nostrand Reinhold,

"In the Caribbean," Washington Post, November 3, 1986,

Inter-American Development Bank. Economic and Social Progress
     in Latin America: Regional Integration. Washington: 1984.

------. Ten Years of Caricom. Georgetown, Guyana: 1983.

Margain, Eduardo. Development Challenges and Cooperation in the
     Commonwealth Caribbean. Washington: Inter-American
     Development Bank, 1983.

Martin, Atherton, Steve Hellinger, and Daniel Soloman.
     Prospects and Reality: The CBI Revisited. Washington:
     Development Group for Alternative Policies, 1985.

Mye, L. Randolph. Caribbean and Central American Export
     Performance, 1980 to 1987. Washington: GPO, 1988.

Overseas Development Council. "The Caribbean Basin Initiative:
     Update," Policy Focus, No. 3, 1985, 1-8.

Palmer, Ransford W. Problems of Development in Beautiful
     Countries: Perspectives on the Caribbean. Lanham,
     Maryland: North-South Publishing, 1984.

Pastor, Robert. "Sinking in the Caribbean Basin," Foreign
     Affairs, 60, No. 5, Summer 1982, 1038-58.

Payne, Anthony. "Whither Caricom?" The Performance and Prospects of
     Caribbean Integration in the 1980s," International
     Journal, 40, Spring 1985, 207-28.

Payne, Anthony, and Paul Sutton (eds.). Dependency under
     Challenge: The Political Economy of the Commonwealth
     Caribbean. London: Butler and Tanner, 1984.

Pregelj, Vladimir N. "CBI II: Expanding the Caribbean Basin
     Economic Recovery Act." (Library of Congress, Congressional
     Research Service, Major Issues System, IB89090.) Washington:
     June 7, 1989.

Ramsaran, Ramesh. "Caricom: The Integration Process in Crisis?"
     Journal of World Trade Law, 12, 1978, 208-17.

Raymond, Nicholas. "Caribbean Basin Revisited," Editorial 
     Research Reports, 1, No. 5, February 1985, 83-100.

"The Reagan Caribbean Basin Initiative, Pro and Con,"
     Congressional Digest, 62, No. 3, March 1983, 69-96.

Sanford, Jonathan. "Caribbean Basin Initiative." (Library of
     Congress, Congressional Research Service, Major Issues System,
     IB82074.) Washington: May 27, 1983.

Sanford, Jonathan, and Lawrence Silverman. Caribbean Basin
     Initiative: 1983. (Library of Congress, Congressional
     Research Service, Major Issues System, IB83222.) Washington:
     February 13, 1984.

Schiavone, Giuseppe (ed.). International Organizations: A
     Dictionary and Directory. Chicago: St. James Press, 1983.

Seyler, Daniel J. "The Politics of Development: The Case of Jamaica
     and the Caribbean Basin Initiative." (Paper presented at the
     American University, School of International Service, 1986.)
     Washington: American University, 1986.

South America, Central America, and the Caribbean, 1993.
     London: Europa, 1992.

Stokes, Bruce. "Reagan's Caribbean Basin Initiative On Track, But
     Success Still in Doubt," National Journal, 17,
     January 26, 1985, 205-10.

Sullivan, Mark P. "Caribbean-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress."
     (Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, Major
     Issues System, IB92047.) Washington: January 29, 1993.

Taylor, Jeffrey H. "Efforts Toward Economic Integration: CARICOM as
     a Case Study." (M.A. thesis.) Washington: George Washington
     University, 1985.

United States. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook,
     1991. Washington: GPO, 1991.

United States. Congress. 97th, 2d Session. House of
     Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Hearings
     and Markup Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the
     Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade and
     the Subcommittee on Inter-American Affairs: The Caribbean
     Basin Initiative. Washington: GPO, 1982.

------. Congress. 97th, 2d Session. House of Representatives.
     Committee on Ways and Means. Subcommittee on Trade. The
     Administration's Proposed Trade and Tax Measures Affecting the
     Caribbean Bassin. (Hearings March 17-25, 1982.)
     Washington: GPO, 1982.

------. Congress. 97th, 2d Session. Senate. Committee on Foreign
     Relations. Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign
     Relations: Caribbean Basin Initiative. Washington: GPO,

------. Congress. 98th. 1st Session. House of Representatives.
     Committee on Ways and Means. Caribbean Basin Economic
     Recovery. Washington: GPO, 1983.

------. Congress. 99th. 2d Session. House of Representatives.
     Committee on Ways and Means. Subcommittee on Oversight.
     Review of the Impact and Effectiveness of the Caribbean
     Basin Initiative. Washington: GPO, 1986.

------. Congress. 100th, 1st Session. House of Representatives.
     Committee on Ways and Means. Subcommitte on Oversight.
     Report on the Committee Delegation Mission to the
     Caribbean Basin and the Recommendations to Improve the
     Effectiveness of the Caribbean Basin Initiative.
     Washington: GPO, 1987.

------. Congress. 101th, 1st Session. House of Representatives.
     Committee on Ways and Means. Caribbean Basin Economic
     Recovery Expansion Act of 1989 (Report Nos. 101-36.)
     Washington: GPO, 1989.

------. Department of Commerce. Caribbean Basin Initiative:
     1986 Guidebook. Washington: GPO, 1985.

------. Department of Commerce. Caribbean Basin Initiative:
     1987 Guidebook. Washington: GPO, 1986.

------. Department of Commerce, in cooperation with the United
     States Agency for International Development. Caribbean
     Basin Initiative (CBI): 1988 Guidebook for Caribbean Basin
     Exporters. Washington: GPO, 1988.

------. Department of Commerce. International Trade Administration.
     Caribbean Basin Investment Survey. Washington: GPO,

------. Department of Commerce. International Trade Administration.
     Annual Report on the Impact of the Caribbean Basin
     Economic Recovery Act on U.S. Industries and Consumers.
     (2d Annual Report.) Washington: GPO, 1987.

------. Department of Commerce. International Trade Administration.
     Annual Report on the Impact of the Caribbean
     Basin Economic Recovery Act on U.S. Industries and
     Consumers. (3d Annual Report.) Washington: GPO, 1988.

------. Department of Commerce. International Trade Administration.
     Annual Report on the Impact of the Caribbean Basin
     Economic Recovery Act on U.S. Industries and Consumers, First
     Report 1984-85. Washington: GPO, September 1986.

------. Department of Labor. Trade and Employment Effects of
     the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act. (3d Annual
     Report.) Washington: GPO, 1987.

------. Department of Labor. Trade and Employment Effects of
     the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act. (4th Annual
     Report.) Washington: GPO, 1988.

------. Department of State. Background on the Caribbean Basin
     Initiative. (Special Report No. 97.) Washington: GPO,
     March 1982.

------. Department of State. Bureau of Inter-American Affairs,
     Office of Regional Economic Policy. Report by the United
     States Department of State on the Caribbean Basin Initiative
     (CBI). Washington: GPO, May 1989.

------. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. GIST
     Index: Caribbean Basin Initiative. Washington: GPO, March

------. General Accounting Office. Caribbean Basin Initiative:
     Impact on Selected Countries. (No. GAO/NSIAD-88-177.)
     Washington: GPO, 1988.

------. General Accounting Office. Caribbean Basin Initiative:
     Legislative and Agency Actions Relating to the CBI. Fact Sheet
     for the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight. (Report to
     the Committee on Ways and Means. United States House of
     Representatives.) Washington: GPO, 1986.

------. General Accounting Office. Caribbean Basin Initiative:
     Need for More Reliable Data on Business Activity Resulting
     from the Initiative. (No. GAO/NSIAD-86-201BR.)
     Washington: GPO, 1986.

------. White House. Office of the Press Secretary. Fact Sheets
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