Bibliography -- Haiti (Dominican Republic and Haiti)

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Walker, Malcolm. Politics and the Power Structure: A Rural
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     College Press, 1972.

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------. Dictatorship, Development, and Disintegration: Politics
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     Ann Arbor: Xerox University Microfilms, 1975.

------. The Dominican Republic: Nation in Transition. New
     York: Praeger, 1969.

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     Republic: A Caribbean Crucible. Boulder, Colorado:
     Westview Press, 1982.

Chapter 5

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     London: 1988.

Andrade, John. World Police and Paramilitary Forces. New
     York: Stockton Press, 1985.

Atkins, G. Pope. Arms and Politics in the Dominican
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Bell, Ian. The Dominican Republic. Boulder, Colorado:
     Westview Press, 1981.

Black, Jan Knippers. The Dominican Republic: Politics and
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     Unwin, 1986.

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     Omega, 1980.

------. Código Penal. Santo Domingo: Empresa Elena, 1980.

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     Taylor.) London: Jane's, 1988.

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     London: Jane's, 1988.

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     Fleets of the World 1988-89: Their Ships, Aircraft, and
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     1987-88. Washington: World Priorities, 1987.

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     London: Europa, 1987.

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     Press, 1988.

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     Washington: GPO, 1988.

------. Department of Defense. Congressional Presentation for
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     Washington: 1987.

------. Department of Defense. Congressional Presentation for
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     Washington: 1989.

------. Department of Defense. Security Assistance Agency.
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     Sales, and Military Assistance Facts as of September 30,
     1988. Washington: 1988.

------. Department of State. Country Reports on Human Rights
     Practices for 1985. (Report submitted to Congress, 99th,
     2d Session. United States and House of Representatives,
     Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Senate, Committee on Foreign
     Relations.) Washington: GPO, 1986.

------. Department of State. Country Reports on Human Rights
     Practices for 1986. (Report submitted to United States
     Congress, 100th, 1st Session, Senate, Committee on Foreign
     Relations, and House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign
     Affairs.) Washington: GPO, 1987.

------. Department of State. Country Reports on Human Rights
     Practices for 1987. (Report submitted to United States
     Congress, 100th, 2d Session, Senate, Committee on Foreign
     Relations, and House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign
     Affairs.) Washington: GPO, 1988.

------. Department of State. Country Reports on Human Rights
     Practices for 1988. (Report submitted to United States
     Congress, 101st, 1st Session, Senate, Committee on Foreign
     Relations, and House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign
     Affairs.) Washington: GPO, 1989.

------. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs.
     Background Notes: Dominican Republic. Washington:
     GPO, 1987.

Wiarda, Howard J. Dictatorship and Development: The Methods of
     Control in Trujillo's Dominican Republic. Gainesville:
     University of Florida Press, 1968.

Wiarda, Howard J., and Michael J. Kryzanek. The Dominican
     Republic: A Caribbean Crucible. Boulder, Colorado:
     Westview Press, 1982.

"Year in Judiciary Summarized," Listín Diario [Santo
     Domingo], December 31, 1985. Joint Publications Research
     Service, Latin America Report. (JPRS-LAM-86-018.)
     February 19, 1986, 111-13.

   (Various issues of the following publication were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Foreign Broadcast Information
Service, Daily Report: Latin America.)

Chapter 6

Abbott, Elizabeth. Haiti: The Duvaliers and Their Legacy.
     New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988.

Bellegarde-Smith, Patrick. In the Shadow of Powers: Dantès
     Bellegarde in Haitian Social Thought. (AIMS Historical
     Series, No. 11.) Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press
     International, 1985.

Cole, Hubert. Christophe: King of Haiti. New York: Viking,

Dash, J. Michael. Haiti and the United States: National
     Stereotypes and the Literary Imagination. New York: St.
     Martin's Press, 1988.

Davis, Wade. The Serpent and the Rainbow. New York: Simon
     and Schuster, 1985.

Diederich, Bernard. "Swine Fever Ironies: The Slaughter of the 
     Haitian Black Pig," Caribbean, 14, No. 1, Winter
     1985, 16-17, 41.

------. "The Troubled Island of Hispaniola: Riots in Haiti and the
     Dominican Republic," Caribbean Review, 13, No. 3,
     Summer 1984, 18-21, 45.

Diederich, Bernard, and Al Burt. Papa Doc: The Truth about
     Haiti Today. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969.

Fauriol, Georges. "The Duvaliers and Haiti," Orbis: A Journal
     of World Affairs, 32, No. 4, Fall 1988, 587-607.

Gingras, Jean-Pierre O. Duvalier, Caribbean Cyclone: The
     History of Haiti and Its Present Government. New York:
     Exposition Press, 1967.

Heinl, Robert Debs, Jr., and Nancy Gordon Heinl. Written in
     Blood: The Story of the Haitian People, 1492-1971.
     Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1978.

James, C.L.R. The Black Jacobins. New York: Vintage, 1963.

Keegan, John E. "The Catholic Church in the Struggle Against
     Duvalierism," America, 158, April 23, 1988, 429-32.

Laguerre, Michel S. "The Haitian Political Crisis,"
     America, 155, December 27, 1986, 416-20.

Leyburn, James G. The Haitian People. (Rev. ed., with
     introduction by Sidney W. Mintz.) New Haven: Yale University
     Press, 1966.

Logan, Rayford W. Haiti and the Dominican Republic. New
     York: Oxford University Press, 1968.

Luce, Phillip Abbott. Haiti: Ready for Revolution.
     Washington: Council for Inter-American Security, 1980.

Maingot, Anthony P. "Haiti: Problems of a Transition to Democracy
     in an Authoritarian Soft State," Journal of Interamerican
     Studies and World Affairs, 28, No. 4, Winter 1986-87, 75-

Moran, Charles. Black Triumvirate: A Study of Louverture,
     Dessalines, Christophe--the Men Who Made Haiti. New York:
     Exposition Press, 1957.

Morse, Richard M. "Haiti, 1492-1988." Pages 3-12 in Richard M.
     Morse (ed.), Haiti's Future: Views of Twelve Haitian
     Leaders. Washington: Wilson Center Press, 1988.

Nicholls, David. From Dessalines to Duvalier: Race, Colour, and
     National Independence in Haiti. London: Cambridge
     University Press, 1979.

------. "Haiti: The Rise and Fall of Duvalierism," Third World
     Quarterly [London], 8, No. 4, October 1986, 1239-52.

------. "Past and Present in Haitian Politics." Pages 253-64 in
     Charles R. Foster and Albert Valdman (eds.), Haiti--Today
     and Tomorrow: An Interdisciplinary Study. Lanham,
     Maryland: University Press of America, 1984.

Ott, Thomas O. The Haitian Revolution, 1789-1804.
     Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1973.

Paley, William. "Haiti's Dynastic Despotism: From Father to Son to
     . . .," Caribbean Review, 13, No. 1, Winter 1984, 13-
     15, 45.

Paquin, Lyonel. The Haitians: Class and Color Politics.
     Brooklyn, New York: Multi-Type, 1983.

Parkinson, Wenda. `This Gilded African' Toussaint
     L'Ouverture. London: Quarter Books, 1978.

Price-Mars, Jean. So Spoke the Uncle (Ainsi Parla
     1'Oncle). (Trans. and introduction, Magdaline W.
     Shannon.) Washington: Three Continents Press, 1983.

Prince, Rod. Haiti: Family Business. London: Latin America
     Bureau, 1985.

Rotberg, Robert I. "Haiti's Past Mortgages Its Future," Foreign
     Affairs, 67, No. 1, 1988, 93-109.

Rotberg, Robert I., with Christopher K. Clague. Haiti: The
     Politics of Squalor. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1971.

Schmidt, Hans. The United States Occupation of Haiti, 1915-
     1934. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press,

Tyson, George F., Jr. (ed.). Toussaint L'Ouverture. (Great
     Lives Observed: A Spectrum Book Series.) Englewood Cliffs, New
     Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1973.

Weinstein, Brian, and Aaron Segal. Haiti: Political Failures,
     Cultural Successes. New York: Praeger, 1984.

Chapter 7

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     Health Section.

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     Politics, Projects, and People: Institutional Development
     in Haiti. New York: Praeger, 1986.

Conway, Frederick J. The Decision-Making Framework for Tree
     Planting in the Agroforestry Outreach Project. Port-au-
     Prince: University of Maine Agroforestry Outreach Research
     Project, 1986.

------. Pentecostalism in the Context of Haitian Religion and
     Health Practice. (Ph.D. dissertation.) Washington:
     American University, 1978.

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     socio-éonomiques en Haiti. (World Fertility Survey
     Scientific Reports, No. 66.) Voorburg, Netherlands:
     International Statistical Institute, 1984.

DeWind, Josh, and David H. Kinley. Aiding Migration: The Impact
     of International Development Assistance on Haiti.
     Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1988.

Dupuy, Alex. Haiti in the World Economy: Class, Race, and
     Underdevelopment since 1700. Boulder, Colorado: Westview
     Press, 1989.

Fass, Simon M. Political Economy in Haiti: The Drama of
     Survival. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Books,

Foster, Charles R., and Albert Valdman (eds.). Haiti--Today and
     Tomorrow: An Interdisciplinary Study. Lanham, Maryland:
     University Press of America, 1984.

Haines, David W. (ed.). Refugees in the United States: A
     Reference Handbook. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood
     Press, 1985.

------. The Haitian Economy: Man, Land, and Markets.
     London: Croom Helm, 1983.

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     (une étude basée sur un échantillon de 2.5% du Recensement de
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------. Santé et Population en Haïti. Port-au-Prince:

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Chapter 8

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------. Department of Commerce. "Investment Climate Statement:
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     Haiti." Washington: 1988.

------. Department of Commerce. International Trade Commission.
     Annual Report on the Impact of the Caribbean Basin
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------. Department of Commerce. International Trade Commission.
     A Guide to Telecommunications Markets in Latin
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------. Department of Labor. Bureau of International Labor Affairs.
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------. General Accounting Office. "Assistance to Haiti: Barriers,
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------. General Accounting Office. Caribbean Basin Initiative:
     Impact on Selected Countries. (GAO/NSIAD-88-177.)
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the preparation of this chapter: Business Haiti [Port-au-
Prince], Grassroots Development.)

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Appendix B

American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico. Business Opportunities
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Canada. Ministry of External Affairs. Caribcan.
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Caribbean and Central American Action. 1988 Caribbean and
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     "Caribbean Basin Initiative: Pros and Cons." Pages 113-28 in
     Mark Falcoff and Robert Royal (eds.), The Continuing
     Crisis: U.S. Policy in Central America and the Caribbean.
     Washington: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1987.

Fox, James W. "Is the Caribbean Basin Initiative Working?"
     Washington: United States Agency for International
     Development, March 7, 1989.

Gordon, Richard A., and John Venuti. "Exchange of Information under
     Tax Treaties--An Update," Tax Management International
     Journal, 15, August 8, 1986, 292-98.

Martin, Atherton, Steve Hellinger, and Daniel Soloman.
     Prospects and Reality: The CBI Revisited. Washington:
     The Development Group for Alternative Policies, 1985.

Mye, L. Randolph. Caribbean and Central American Export
     Performance, 1980 to 1987. Washington: United States
     Department of Commerce, 1988.

Pregelj, Vladimir N. "CBI II: Expanding the Caribbean Basin
     Economic Recovery Act." (Library of Congress, Congressional
     Research Service, Economics Division, IB89096.) Washington:
     June 7, 1989.

Sanford, Jonathan. "Caribbean Basin Initiative." (Library of
     Congress, Congressional Research Service, Foreign Affairs and
     National Defense Division, IB82074.) Washington: May 27, 1983.

Seyler, Daniel J. "The Politics of Development: The Case of Jamaica
     and the Caribbean Basin Initiative." (Research paper.)
     Washington: School of International Service, American
     University, 1986.

Sixth Meeting of the Conference of Caricom Heads of Government.
     Review of the Caribbean Basin Initiative. (Agenda item
     No. 11.) Caricom: July 1-4, 1985.

United States. Congress. 97th, 2d Session. House of
     Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Hearings
     and Markup Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the
     Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade and on
     Inter-American Affairs: The Caribbean Basin Initiative.
     Washington: GPO, 1982.

------. Congress. 97th, 2d Session. House of Representatives.
     Subcommittee on Trade. Hearings Before the Subcommittee:
     The Caribbean Basin Initiative. Washington: GPO, 1982.

------. Congress. 97th, 2d Session. Senate. Committee on Foreign
     Relations. Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign
     Relations: Caribbean Basin Initiative. Washington: GPO,

------. Congress. 100th, 1st Session. House of Representatives.
     Committee on Ways and Means. Subcommitte on Oversight.
     Report on the Committee Delegation Mission to the
     Caribbean Basin and the Recommendations to Improve the
     Effectiveness of the Caribbean Basin Initiative.
     Washington: GPO, 1987.

------. Congress. 101st, 1st Session. House of Representatives.
     Committee on Ways and Means. Caribbean Basin Economic
     Recovery Expansion Act of 1989. (Report Nos. 101-36.)
     Washington: GPO, 1989.

------. Department of Commerce. Caribbean Basin Initiative:
     1986 Guidebook. Washington: 1985.

------. Department of Commerce. Caribbean Basin Initiative:
     1987 Guidebook. Washington: 1986.

------. Department of Commerce, in cooperation with the United
     States Agency for International Development. Caribbean
     Basin Initiative (CBI): 1988 Guidebook for Caribbean Basin
     Exporters. Washington: 1988.

------. Department of Commerce. International Trade Commission.
     Annual Report on the Impact of the Caribbean Basin
     Economic Recovery Act on U. S. Industries and Consumers.
     (2d Annual Report, 1986.) Washington: 1987.

------. Department of Commerce. International Trade Commission.
     Annual Report on the Impact of the Caribbean
     Basin Economic Recovery Act on U. S. Industries and
     Consumers. (3d Annual Report, 1987.) Washington: 1988.

------. Department of Commerce. International Trade Commission.
     Caribbean Basin Investment Survey. Washington: 1988.
     Washington: July 12, 1989.

------. Department of Labor. Trade and Employment Effects of
     the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act. (3d Annual
     Report.) Washington: GPO, 1987.

------. Department of Labor. Trade and Employment Effects of
     the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act. (4th Annual
     Report.) Washington: GPO, 1988.

------. Department of State. Bureau of Inter-American Affairs,
     Office of Regional Economic Policy. Report by the United
     States Department of State on the Caribbean Basin Initiative
     (CBI). Washington: GPO, May 1989.

------. General Accounting Office. Caribbean Basin Initiative:
     Impact on Selected Countries. (No. GAO/NSIAD-88-177.)
     Washington: GPO, July 1988.

------. General Accounting Office. Caribbean Basin Initiative:
     Legislative and Agency Actions Relating to the CBI. Fact Sheet
     for the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight. (Report to
     the United States House of Representatives, Committee on Ways
     and Means.) Washington: GPO, 1986.

------. General Accounting Office. Caribbean Basin Initiative:
     Need for More Reliable Data on Business Activity Resulting
     from the Initiative. (No. GAO/NSIAD-86-201BR.)
     Washington: GPO, 1986.

Van Grasstek, Craig. "The Caribbean Basin Initiative: Update,"
     Policy Focus, No. 3, 1985.

The White House. Office of the Press Secretary. Fact Sheets on
     the Initiative in President Reagan's Speech at Queens Park,
     St. George's, Grenada. Washington: February 20, 1986.

World Bank. The Caribbean: Export Preferences and
     Performance. Washington: 1988.

  (Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this appendix: Caribbean Action;
Caribbean Insight [London]; and CBI Business