Bibliography -- Japan

Chapter 1

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Chapter 3

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     Japan Quarterly [Tokyo], 36, No. 3, July-September
     1989, 315-19.

Wheeler, Donald F. "Japan's Postmodern Student Movement." Pages
     194-211 in William K. Cummings, Ikuo Amano, and Kazuyuki
     Kitamura (eds.), Changes in the Japanese University: A
     Comparative Perspective. New York: Praeger, 1979.

Wysocki, Bernard, Jr. "Japanese Producer Sets Sights on Hollywood
     and Broadway," Asian Wall Street Journal Weekly [Hong
     Kong], December 25, 1989, 9.

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     Quarterly [Tokyo], 35, No. 2, April-June 1988, 118-26.

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Zako, Jun. "International Tenor: Ichihara Taro," Japan
     Quarterly [Tokyo], 36, No. 1, January-March 1989, 92-94.

    (Various issues of the following publications were also used in
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Statistics Annual [Tokyo], 1977-89; Ministry of Education,
Science, and Culture, Statistical Abstract of
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Chapter 4

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Chapter 5

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    (Various issues of the following publication was used in the
preparation of this chapter: the Asian Wall Street
Journal, 1989-91, and the Far Eastern Economic
Review, 1989-94, both published in Hong Kong; the Foreign
Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: East Asia,
1989-91; and the Wall Street Journal, 1989-91.)

Chapter 8

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    (Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: American Embassy, Japanese
Magazine Review [Tokyo], 1994; Economist [London],
1989; Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], 1989-90;
and the Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report:
East Asia, 1989-90.)