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------. Central Intelligence Agency. Directorate of Intelligence.
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------. Congress, 99th, 1st Session. Senate. Committee on Foreign
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------. Congress, 100th, 2d Session. House of Representatives.
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------. Department of the Interior. Division of Geography.
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Jammu and Kashmir, Nepal, Portuguese India, and India A-J.
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------. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs.
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8334.) Washington: November 1987.
------. Department of State. Country Reports on Human Rights
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Foreign Affairs, and Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations.)
Washington: GPO, February 1990.
Upadhyaya, G.S. "Social Change in Bhutan." Druk Losel
[Thimphu], 1, No. 2, August 1979, 26-27.
Vas, E.A. The Dragon Kingdom: Journeys Through Bhutan. New
Delhi: Lancer International, 1986.
Verma, Ravi. India's Role in the Emergence of Contemporary
Bhutan. Delhi: Capital, 1988.
Weintraub, Richard M. "Bhutan's King to Marry 4 Sisters,"
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World Bank. Bhutan: Development in a Himalayan Kingdom. (A
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------. Bhutan: Development Planning in a Unique
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World Radio TV Handbook, 1991, 45. (Ed. Andrew G.
Sennitt.) Amsterdam: Billboard A.G., 1990.
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------. "Bhutan, WWF, UNDP Endowment Trust Fund for Environmental
Conservation." March 6, 1991, 3 pp.
Young, Lincoln J. "Agricultural Changes in Bhutan: Some
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157, No. 2, July 1991, 172-78.
(Various issues of the following publications also were used in the
preparation of this chapter: Foreign Broadcast Information Service,
Daily Report: Near East and South Asia, 1990-91;
International Monetary Fund, International Financial
Statistics, 1990-92; and Kuensel [Thimphu], 1975-90.)