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Western Hemisphere Affairs. Human Rights in Argentina,
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------. Congress. 99th, 2d Session. House of Representatives.
Committee on Armed Services. Report of the Delegation to
Latin America, November 30-December 7, 1986. Washington:
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------. Congress. 100th, 2d Session. House of Representatives.
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------. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. Office of
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------. Department of State. Country Reports on Human Rights
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------. "Stroessner's Paraguay," Current History, 82, No.
469, February 1983, 66-8.
Yearbook on International Communist Affairs 1986.
Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 1986.
(Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Christian Science
Monitor; El Diario de Noticias [Asunción];
Economist [London]; Foreign Broadcast Information Service,
Daily Report: Latin America; Joint Publications Research
Service, Latin America Report; Latinamerica Press
[Lima]; Latin American Monitor [London]; Latin
American Weekly Report [London]; Los Angeles Times;
New York Times; Sendero [Asunción]; Veja
[Rio de Janeiro]; and Washington Post.
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Americas Watch Committee. Paraguay: Latin America's Oldest
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Amnesty International. Amnesty International Report 1986.
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Gunston, Bill (ed.). Encyclopedia of World Air Power. New
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Hobday, Charles. Communist and Marxist Parties of the
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Huskey, James L. (ed.). Lambert's Worldwide Directory of
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International Institute of Strategic Studies. The Military
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International Monetary Fund. Government Finance Statistics
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Jane's Armour and Artillery 1987-88. (Ed., Christopher F.
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Keegan, John (ed.). World Armies. New York: Facts on File,
Kolinski, Charles J. Historical Dictionary of Paraguay.
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Kurian, George Thomas. Encyclopedia of the Third World,
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Lewis, Paul H. Paraguay Under Stroessner. Chapel Hill:
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------. The Politics of Exile: Paraguay's Febrerista
Party. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, 1965.
------. Socialism, Liberalism, and Dictatorship in
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Paraguay. Código penal del Paraguay y leyes complementarias
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Paraguay. Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay 1967.
Washington: Organization of American States, 1969.
"Paraguay." Pages 342-65 in Adrian J. English, Armed Forces of
Latin America: Their Histories, Development, Present Strength,
and Military Potential. London: Jane's, 1984.
Sivard, Ruth Leger. World Military and Social Expenditures
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Washington: 1978.
------. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. World Military
Expenditures and Arms Transfers, 1972-82. Washington:
------. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. World Military
Expenditures and Arms Transfers, 1978-87. Washington:
------. Congress. 98th, 1st Session. House of Representatives.
Committee on Foreign Affairs. Hearings Before the
Subcommittees on Human Rights and International Organizations
and on Western Hemisphere Affairs. Washington: GPO, 1984.
------. Department of Defense. Security Assistance Agency.
Congressional Presentation for Security Assistance
Programs, Fiscal Year 1988. Washington: GPO, 1988.
------. Department of State. Country Reports on Human Rights
Practices for 1985. (Report submitted to United States
Congress, 100th, 1st Session, House of Representatives,
Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Senate, Committee on Foreign
Relations.) Washington: GPO, 1986.
------. Department of State. Country Reports on Human Rights
Practices for 1986. (Report submitted to United States
Congress, 100th, 2d Session, House of Representatives,
Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Senate, Committee on Foreign
Relations.) Washington: GPO, 1987.
------. Department of State. Country Reports on Human Rights
Practices for 1987. (Report submitted to United States
Congress, 101st, 1st Session, House of Representatives,
Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Senate, Committee on Foreign
Relations.) Washington: GPO, 1988.
Williams, John Hoyt. "Paraguay's Stroessner: Losing Control?"
Current History, 86, No. 516, January 1987, 25-8.
------. "Stroessner's Paraguay," Current History, 82, No.
469, February 1983, 66-8.
Yearbook on International Communist Affairs 1976. (Ed.,
Richard F. Staar.) Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1976.
------. Yearbook on International Communist Affairs 1987.
(Ed. Richard F. Staar.) Stanford: Hoover Institution Press,
------. Yearbook on International Communist Affairs 1988.
(Ed. Richard F. Staar.) Stanford: Hoover Institution Press,
(Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Economist Intelligence Unit,
Country Report: Uruguay, Paraguay [London]; Foreign
Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Latin
America; Joint Publications Research Service, Latin
America Report; Latin American Weekly Report
[London]; New York Times; Nuestro Tiempo
[Asunción]; and Washington Post.)