Bibliography -- El Salvador
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Report [Guatemala City], March 1987-January 1988;
Christian Science Monitor, March 1988; Latin
American Monitor [London], February 1986; Latin America
Regional Reports: Mexico and Central America [London], July
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Chapter 4
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1986, 65-73.
(Various issues of the following publications were also used
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Monitor, July 1984- December 1987; Latin American
Monitor: Central America, [London], May- June 1985;
Latin American Weekly Report [London], June 1985-May
1988; Latin America Regional Reports: Mexico and Central
America, May 1985- June 1988; New York Times, June
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Chapter 5
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(Various issues of the following publications were also used
in the preparation of this chapter: Christian Science
Monitor; Financial Times; Foreign Broadcast
Information Service, Daily Report: Latin America;
Jane's Defence Weekly [London]; Latinamerica
Press; Latin American Monitor [London]; Latin
American Weekly Report [London]; Latin America Regional
Reports: Mexico and Central America [London]; Los
Angeles Times; New York Times; Philadelphia
Inquirer; Wall Street Journal; Washington
Post; and Washington Times.