Bibliography -- Syria

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     Impact of Foreign Influences. London: Institute for the
     Study of Conflict, 1983.

World Bank. The Economic Development of Syria.
     Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1955.

    (Various issues of the following publications were also used
in the preparation of this chapter: An Nahar Arab Report
and Memo [Beirut]; Arabia: The Islamic World Review
[London]; Country Profile: Syria [London]; Country
Report: Syria [London]; Financial Times [London];
Foreign Agriculture; Foreign Economic Trends;
International Financial Statistics; Joint Publications
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Chapter 4

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     History, 85, No. 508, February 1986, 67-70, 84-85.

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     Reports, No. 110. Washington: Middle East Research and
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     American-Arab Affairs, No. 17, Summer 1986, 55-61.

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     American-Arab Affairs, No. 4, Spring 1983, 40-45.

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     1985, 20-29.

Shiff, Ze'ev. "Dealing With Syria," Foreign Policy, No.
     55, Summer 1984, 92-113.

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     Republic: A Handbook. New York: American Academic
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     No. 28, September-October 1977, 62-70.

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     Journal, 23, No. 4, Autumn 1969, 445-70.

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     [London], 32, No. 11, November 1976, 399-406.

    (Various issues of the following publications were also used
in the preparation of this chapter: An Nahar Arab Report
and Memo [Beirut]; Christian Science Monitor;
Daily Summary of World Broadcasts, Part 4: The Middle East
and Africa [London]; Defense and Foreign Affairs
Daily; Defense and Foreign Affairs Weekly; Foreign
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Chapter 5

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     History, 86, No. 517, February 1987.

_______. "Syria's Quest for a Regional Role." Paper presented at
     Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, December
     11, 1986.

Ramet, Pedro. "The Soviet-Syrian Relationship," Problems of
     Communism, 35, No. 5, September-October 1986, 35-46.

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     Bamachane, No. 23, February 5, 1986, 10 (in

Rosen, Steven J. "What the Next Arab-Israeli War Might Look
     Like," International Security, 2, No. 4, Spring
     1978, 149-74.

Schiff, Ze'ev, and Ehud Ya'ari. Israel's Lebanon War.
     New York: Simon and Schuster, 1984.

Sinai, Anne, and Allen Pollack (eds.). The Syrian Arab
     Republic: A Handbook. New York: American Academic
     Association for Peace in the Middle East, 1976.

Sivard, Ruth Leger. World Military and Social Expenditures,
     1986. Washington: World Priorities, 1986.

Syria. Office of the Prime Minister. Central Bureau of
     Statistics. Statistical Abstract, 1986, 39,
     Damascus: June 1986.

Torrey, Gordon H. Syrian Politics and the Military, 1945-
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United States. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. World
     Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers, 1986.
     Washington: GPO, April 1987.

United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Handbook of
     Economic Statistics, 1986. Washington: GPO, September

United States. Department of State. Country Reports on Human
     Rights Practices for 1986. Washington: APO, February
     1987, (Report submitted to United States Congress, 100th,
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     1975-76 Civil War. New York: Oxford University Press,

Who's Who in the Arab World, 1986-1987. Beirut: Publitec
     Publications, 1987.

    (Various issues of the following publications were also used
in the preparation of this chapter: Armed Forces;
Daily Report: Middle East and Africa; Defense and
Foreign Affairs; Journal of Defense and Diplomacy;
Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Joint Publications
Research Service, Near East/South Asia Report;
Times [London]; Manchester Guardian, Middle
East Contemporary Survey; Middle East Journal;
Middle Eastern Studies; New York Times; and
Washington Post.)