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Chapter 2
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Chapter 3
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l'état. Paris: Présence africaine, 1985.
International Monetary Fund. Annual Report on Exchange
Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions, 1987. Washington:
-----. Balance of Payments Yearbook, 36, Pt. 1.
Washington: 1985.
-----. Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook, 1986.
Washington: 1987.
-----. International Financial Statistics. Washington:
February 1986.
-----. International Financial Statistics. Washington:
June 1987.
Kelley, Michael P. A State in Disarray: Conditions of Chad's
Survival. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1986.
Lanne, Bernard. "Le sud, l'état, et la révolution," Politique
africaine [Paris], No. 16, December 1984, 30-44.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Geographic Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing
Countries, 1982-85. Paris: 1987.
Stürzinger, Ulrich. "Au Tchad: Coton et développement," Revue
tiers-monde [Paris], 24, No. 95, July-September 1983,
Tobias, C. Utilisation du sol et possibilités d'irrigation dans
la région de N'Djamena. (Report No. 13.) N'Djamena, Chad:
Centre ORSTOM de N'Djamena, 1976.
United Nations. Department of International Economic and Social
Affairs. Handbook of International Trade and Development
Statistics, Supplement 1986. New York: 1987.
------. Food and Agriculture Organization. Country Tables,
1987: Basic Data on the Agriculture Sector. Rome: 1987.
------. Food and Agriculture Organization. Food and Agriculture
Organization Yearbook. Rome: 1985.
-----. Food and Agriculture Organization. Yearbook of Fishery
Statistics, 1985. 61. Rome: 1987.
-----. Food and Agriculture Organization. Yearbook of Forest
Products, 1974-85. Rome: 1986.
------. International Labour Office. Economically Active
Population: Estimates and Projections, 1950-2025, 2.
Geneva: 1986.
United States. Agency for International Development. Annual
Budget Submission, FY 1986: Chad. Washington: 1984.
-----. Annual Budget Submission, FY 1987: Chad.
Washington: 1985.
-----. Annual Budget Submission, FY 1989: Chad.
Washington: 1987.
-----. Chad: Country Development Strategy Statement, FY
1986. Washington: 1984.
-----. Famine Early Warning System Country Report: Chad.
(Report No. 12.) Washington: 1987.
World Bank. Chad: Economic Situation and Priorities.
(Report No. 6785-CH.) Washington: 1987.
-----. World Debt Tables: External Debt of Developing
Countries, 1986-87. Washington: 1987.
(Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Africa Economic Digest
[London]; Bulletin de l'Afrique noire [Paris];
Economie développement [N'Djamena, Chad]; Economist
Intelligence Unit, Country Report: Cameroon, CAR, Chad
[London]; and Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens
Chapter 4
Aurillac, Michel. "France-Tchad: L'Afrique au coeur," Politique
internationale [Paris], No. 39, Spring 1988, 157-63.
Azevedo, Mario J. "The Post-Ahidjo Era in Cameroon," Current
History, 86, No. 520, May 1987, 217-20, 229-30.
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African Studies, 13, No. 3, Fall 1986, 102-10.
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[London], No. 3689, April 25, 1988, 730.
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africaine [Paris], No. 16, December 1984, 86-101.
------. Le Frolinat et les révoltes populaires du Tchad,
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[London], 29, No. 2, January 22, 1988, 7.
"Chad: Out with the New, In with the Old," New African
[London], No. 227, August 1986, 26.
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No. 4, February 18, 1987, 1-2.
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Decalo, Samuel. Historical Dictionary of Chad. (2d ed.)
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Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1987.
Gatta, Gali Ngothé. Tchad: Guerre civile et désagrégation de
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-----. "Chad--Recent History." Pages 350-63 in Africa South of
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-----. "Chad: The Road to Partition," Current History, 83,
No. 491, March 1984, 113-16, 132.
-----. "The Crisis in Chad." Pages 239-56 in Gerald J. Bender,
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University of California Press, 1985.
-----. "Republic of Chad." Pages 184-88 in George E. Delvry (ed.),
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[London], 28, No. 19, September 23, 1987, 2-4.
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Nelson, Harold (ed.). Libya: A Country Study. Washington:
American University, 1979.
------. Sudan: A Country Study. Washington: GPO, 1982.
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Research Bulletin [Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom], 25,
No. 5, June 15, 1988, 8865.
Oded, Arye (ed.). Africa and the Middle East Conflict.
Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner, 1987.
Olufemi, Kola. "Chad: From Civil Strife to Big Power Rivalry,"
India Quarterly [New Delhi], 41, July-December 1985,
Piro, Timothy J. "France." Pages 226-49 in Bernard Reich (ed.),
The Powers in the Middle East, New York: Praeger,
Qadhafi, Muammar. "Qadhafi Versus Christianity in Africa: Colonel
Muammar Qadhafi's Speech in Kigali, Rwanda, as Broadcast by
Radio Tripoli on May 17, 1985, at the Opening of the Muslim
Center." Pages 227-30 in Arye Oded (ed.), Africa and the
Middle East Conflict. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner,
Robinson, Pearl T. "Playing the Arab Card: Niger and Chad's
Ambivalent Relations with Libya." Pages 171-84 in Bruce E.
Arlinghaus (ed.), African Security Issues: Sovereignty,
Stability, and Solidarity, Boulder, Colorado: Westview
Press, 1984.
Soudan, François, and Jean-Marc Zaidi. " Tchad: Habré et la
France," Jeune Afrique [Paris], 1385, July 22, 1987,
Tarantino, Mark. "Chad." Pages i-xvi, 1-12 in Albert P. Blaustein
and Gisbert H. Flanz (eds.), Constitutions of the
Countries of the World, 3. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana,
Thompson, Virginia M., and Richard Adloff. Conflict in
Chad. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981.
"`We May Be at War, But We Are Still Trying to Improve Our Standard
of Living'. An Interview with President Hissène Habré,"
Courier [Brussels], No. 102, March-April 1987, 32-35.
Whiteman, Kaye. "Chad--Down But Not Out," West Africa
[London], No. 3703, August 1, 1988, 1387-88.
------. "Chad 1987--The Year of Pushing North," West
Africa [London], No. 3673, January 11, 1988, 34-35.
Yakpo, E.K.M. "Who Owns Aouzou?" West Africa [London], No.
3694, May 30, 1988, 964-65.
Zartman, I. William. "Africa and the West: The French Connection."
Pages 39-58 in Bruce E. Arlinghaus (ed.), African Security
Issues: Sovereignty, Stability, and Solidarity, Boulder,
Colorado: Westview Press, 1984.
(Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Africa Economic Digest
[London]; Africa Report; African Research
Bulletin [Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom]; Africa
Today; Economist Intelligence Unit, Country Report:
Cameroon, CAR, Chad [London]; Foreign Broadcast Information
Service, Daily Report: Near East and South Asia;
Guardian [London]; Marchés tropicaux et
méditerranéens [Paris]; Le Monde [Paris]; New York
Times; Politique africaine [Paris]; Politique
internationale [Paris]; and Washington Post.)
Chapter 5
Amnesty International. Detentions and Arbitrary Killings in the
Republic of Chad, 1982-83. London: 1983.
------. Emprisonnements et assassinats politiques dans le sud
du Tchad, aout-septembre 1984. Paris: 1984.
Chad. Kadafi/Tchad: Ingérence, agression, occupation.
Livre blanc. N'Djamena, Chad: 1987.
"Chad." Pages B357-68 in Colin Legum (ed.), Africa Contemporary
Record, 1982-1983. New York: Africana, 1984.
"Chad." Pages B348-64 in Colin Legum (ed.), Africa Contemporary
Record, 1983-1984. New York: Africana, 1985.
"Chad." Pages B125-32 in Colin Legum (ed.), Africa Contemporary
Record, 1984-1985. New York: Africana, 1986.
"Colonel Spartacus" (pseud.). Opération manta: Tchad,
1983-84. Paris: Plon, 1985.
Cowell, Alan. "The Bitter Life of Chad," New York Times
Magazine, September 4, 1983, 24, 26, 28-31.
Decalo, Samuel. Historical Dictionary of Chad. (2d ed).
Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 1987.
Foltz, William J. Chad's Third Republic: Strengths, Problems,
and Prospects. (CSIS Africa Notes, No. 77.) Washington:
Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1987.
Gibour, Jean. "Au Tchad, trois mois pour reconquérir le BET
(Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti)," Afrique défense [Paris],
No. 113, August 1987, 40-47.
------. "Le conflit du Tchad," Défense nationale [Paris],
June 1985, 127-38.
Kelley, Michael P. A State in Disarray: Conditions of Chad's
Survival. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1986.
Laipson, Ellen. "Chad Crisis: Background and U.S. Policy." (Library
of Congress, Congressional Research Service.) Washington:
Lanne, Bernard. "Chad--Recent History." Pages 353-60 in Africa
South of the Sahara, 1987. London: Europa, 1986.
Lemarchand, René. "Chad: The Road to Partition," Current
History, 83, No. 491, March 1984, 113-16, 132.
------. "Chad: The Roots of Chaos," Current History, 80,
No. 470, December 1981, 414-18, 436-38.
------. "The Crisis in Chad." Pages 239-56 in Gerald J. Bender,
James S. Coleman, and Richard L. Sklar (eds.), African
Crisis Areas and U.S. Foreign Policy. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1985.
------. "Putting the Pieces Back Together Again," Africa
Report, 29, No. 6, November-December 1984, 60-67.
Matthews, Lloyd. "Chad." Pages 102-104 in John Keegan (ed.),
World Armies. (2d ed.). Detroit: Gale Research, 1983.
The Military Balance, 1987-1988. London: International
Institute for Strategic Studies, 1987.
Neuberger, Benyamin. Involvement, Invasion, and Withdrawal:
Qadhafi's Libya and Chad, 1969-1981. (Occasional Papers,
No. 83.) Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, 1982.
N'Gangbet, Michel. Peut-on encore sauver le Tchad? Paris:
Karthala, 1984.
Rondos, Alex. "Civil War and Foreign Intervention in Chad,"
Current History, 84, No. 502, May 1985, 209-12, 232.
------. Why Chad? (CSIS Africa Notes, No. 18.) Washington:
Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1983.
Sada, Hugo. "Habré cherche la guerre totale," Jeune
Afrique [Paris], No. 1393, September 16, 1987, 17-19.
"Tchad: Le face-à-face franco-libyen." Pages 228-32 in L'Année
stratégique. Paris: Editions maritimes et d'outre-mer,
"Tchad-Libye: La bataille de Fada," Jeune Afrique [Paris],
No. 1366, March 11, 1987, 10-16.
Thompson, Virginia M., and Richard Adloff. Conflict in
Chad. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981.
United States. Congress. 97th, 1st Session. House of
Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on
Africa. Libya-Sudan-Chad Triangle: Dilemma for United
States Policy. (Hearings held October 29 and November 4,
1981.) Washington: GPO, 1982.
------. Department of State. Country Reports on Human Rights
Practices for 1986. (Report submitted to United States
Congress, 100th, 1st Session, Senate, Committee on Foreign
Relations, and House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign
Affairs). Washington: GPO, February 1987.
------. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. Chad:
U.S. Policy. (GIST Series). Washington: 1987.
------. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. The
Libyan Problem. (Special Report No. 111.) Washington:
Department of State, 1983.
Yost, David S. "French Policy in Chad and the Libyan Challenge,"
Orbis, 26, No. 4, Winter 1983, 965-97.
(Various issues of the following publications were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Africa Confidential
[London]; African Defence Journal [Paris]; Africa
Report; Africa Research Bulletin [Exeter, Devon,
United Kingdom]; Economist Intelligence Unit, Country Report:
Cameroon, CAR, Chad [London]; Foreign Broadcast
Information Service, Daily Report: Near East and South
Asia; Frères d'Armes [Paris]; Jane's Defence
Weekly [London]; Jeune Afrique [Paris]; Keesing's
Contemporary Archives [London]; Le Monde [Paris];
New York Times; Washington Post; and West
Africa [London]).
Appendix B
Decalo, Samuel. Historical Dictionary of Chad. (2d ed.)
Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 1987.
N'Gangbet, Michel. Peut-on encore sauver le Tchad? Paris:
Karthala, 1984.
Rondos, Alex. Why Chad? (CSIS Africa Notes, No. 18.)
Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies,
Thompson, Virginia M., and Richard Adloff. Conflict in
Chad. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981.