Hobbs Winner
of the 2001 Geography From Space Online Quiz. |
Test your knowledge of geography and remote sensing by playing Geography From Space! The 2000 & 2001 online quizzes will soon be available (see 2001 contest answers). Meanwhile, play these quizzes from years past:
National Geography Awareness Week occurs every year in mid-November. The National Air and Space Museum celebrates with geography related activities at the Museum and our annual Geography From Space Quiz held both in the museum and online. Each year, one lucky participant of the Geography From Space Quiz online wins a copy of the publication "Looking At Earth". |
For more information about the quiz and other geography activities at the Museum, see the information on annual Geography Awareness Week activities at the National Air and Space Museum. The National Air and Space Museum's Geography Awareness Week activities are sponsored in part by "Reflections On Earth", a program made possible by generous support from Honda. |
©1996-2001National Air and Space Museum
Updated: 11/18/01