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   Canada, 586        distribution, 537
Persian Gulf, 396
   Iraq, 346    Perth, Australia, 394
   Andean Cordillera, 76        Andean Mountains, 220
Lake Titicaca, 442        Ucayali River, 308
Phobos, Martian moon, 616    Physiography, 1
Piedmont glacier, Alaska, 550    Pilbara block, Australia, 158
Pinacate lava field, 480    Pinacate volcanic field, Arizona, 198
Pindus Mountains, Greece, 88    Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica, 558
Pine Mountain Thrust, Kentucky, 58    Pingos, Mackenzie River delta, 340
Plain of Reeds, Vietnam, 334    Planation surfaces, 8, 10
Planetary geomorphology, 10    Planetary landforms, 597
Planetary surfaces, 11
   atmosphere, 597        composition, 597
   crustal evolution, 597        geomorphic evolution,597
       gravity, 597       relative size, 597
    surface temperature, 598       time scales, 599
   Plate collision, 30
Plate-tectonic classification, 30    Plateau basalts, India, 238
Playa lakes, Iran, 292    Playas, Nevada, 38
Plinian volcanism, 187    Plutons, 172
Pluvial episodes, 18    Pluvial fans, Jordan, 266
Pluvial lake, Lake Bonneville, Utah, 436    Po Basin, 82
Point Barrow, Alaska, 430    Polar deserts, 448
Polje, Yugoslavia, 422    Potato Hills, 60
Potomac River, Maryland, 400    Potosi, Bolivia, 74
Powder River Basin, Wyoming, 42    Pre-Alps, 82
Primary coasts, 353    Process studies, 4
Proglacial lake, Iceland, 582    Puna Plateau, Andean Mountains, 220
Qa Al Jafr, Isreal-Jordan, 266    Qaidam Basin, China, 150
Qilian Shan Mountains, China,294    Quantitative
geomorphology, 5, 660
   Queensland, Australia, 6
Radar, 683    Radar imagery, Venus, 618, 622
Rain-shadow deserts, 448
Ramghar, India, 174    Ranns of Kutch, India, 398
Rectangular drainage, 255
   Algeria, 170    Red River fault zone, China, 154
Red Sea, 110, 236    Red Sea escarpment, 118
Reef distribution, hypotheses, 388    Regmatic shears, 658
Remote sensing
   data displays, 681        EM radiation, 680
   image enhancement, 686        instrumentation, 681
   land cover categories, 683        mapping applications, 643
   MSS, 682 principles of, 679
   radar, 683        thermal infrared, 68
Rhea coasts, 630    Rhodesia (also see Zimbabwe), 104
Ria coast
   Adriatic Sea, 370        Ireland, 368
   Korea, 356    Richât structure, Mauritania, 98
Rifting, 31    Rio Caroní, Venezuela, 274
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 362    Rio Huallaga, Peru, 76
Rio Magdalena, Colombia, 72    Rio Maranon, Peru, 76
Rio Negro, Brazil, 302    Rio Santa Valley, Peru, 76
Rio Taquari fan, Brazil, 300    Rivers, largest, 256
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 16    Roan Cliffs, Utah, 44
Rock glaciers, 5    Rock Springs Uplift, 46
Rocky Mountain Trench, 48    Rocky Mountains, 32, 42
Romania, Danube River delta, 324    Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, 540
Rub Al Khali basin, Arabia, 118
Sabkha, 398
   Iran, 292       Persian Gulf, 396
Sahara Desert
Erg Chech, 462, 466
   Grand Erg Occidental, 464       Grand Erg Oriental, 468
   Lake Chad, 472       Tanezrouft Basin, Algeria, 470
Salar de Coipasa, Bolivia, 438    Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia, 438
Salton Sea, 34    San Andreas fault, 34, 36
San Francisco Mountains, Arizona, 196    San Juan Mountains, Colorado, 12, 42
San Rafael Swell, Utah, 12, 44
Sand sea
   Ad Dahna, Saudi Arabia, 16       Lut Desert, Iran, 498
Sand sheet, Sudan, 18    Sand spit, Brazil, 362
Sandia Mountains, New Mexico, 12    Sandur, Iceland, 580
Santa Marta fault system, Colombia, 72    São Francisco River, Brazil, 324
Satellite systems, 679    Saturn, satellites of, 630
Saudi Arabia
   dome dunes, 458       Riyadh, 16
   star, crescentic dunes, 460       volcanism, 236
Scale, 1    Scottish Highlands, 78
Sea of Galilee, 112    SeaMARC I, 659
Searles Lake, 484    Seasat, glaciers, Alaska, 554
Secondary coasts, 353    Selima Sand Sheet, North Africa, 7, 18, 659
Semail Ophiolites, Oman,120    Serengeti Plain, Africa, 230
Serra Da Cangalha, Brazil, 174    Serrania de Perija, Colombia, 72
Seto inland sea, Japan, 156    Shanghai, China, 330
Shanxi Province, China, 262 Shatt el Arab delta, Iraq, 319, 346
Shield volcano
   Hawaii, 212       Iceland, 222
   Olympus Mons, Mars, 610    Shields, 31
Shields, cratonic, 170    Shillong Plateau, 284
Shoreline, defined, 353    Shuttle Imaging Radar (see SIR-A)
Siberian Lowland, 428    Siberian Ranges, 92
Sibi Trough, Pakistan, 130    Sichuan Basin, China, 152
Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico, 70    Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, 72
Sierra Nevada Mountains, 34    Sierra Nevada province, 32


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